Behind the Scenes: Have a Go
Still life recreations
Engage with our incredible art collection by recreating them at home! See below examples of ones our staff and volunteers have created so far. Tag us on social media with your creations! @YorkArtGallery
Twitter Takeovers
This month we will be having Twitter Takeovers with York Travellers Trust to mark Gypsy, Roma and Traveller History Month and York LGBT Forum to mark Pride month!
York Travellers Trust will be on Thursday 18th June, find out more about them here.
York LGBT Forum will be on Saturday 27 June (when York Pride would have been!)
Arts and Crafts
Below you will find a range of activities you can do at home based on the collections in York Art Gallery!
First, watch Sarah Yates below show you how to create your very own sock puppet out of the materials in your home!
Blind Drawing
Can you Blind Draw using the teaser photograph of Je Penseto the sock puppet start you off?
Download the two worksheets below to start this great family activity!