Arts Award Discover Summer 2020
Arts Award Discover is a nationally recognised introductory award aimed at 5 to 9 year olds (although any child can take part.) York Army Museum, Explore York Libraries and Archives and York Museums Trust are offering children the opportunity to gain Arts Award Discover through taking part in any three of the creative activities available virtually on our websites.
You also need to find out about an artist or crafts person and share what you have done and found out with your family.
You can find out information about an artist by visiting York Art Gallery, researching on the internet or request a book about artists through Explore’s Click and Collect library loan service.
Then download a form from one of our websites, fill it in and return it to:
Arts Award Discover, York Army Museum, 3 Tower Street, York, YO1 9SB
– or you can email the form to
If you have photos of what you have done to send us we would love to see them!
To tie in with this year’s theme Silly Squad, a team of animal friends who love to go on adventures, York Museums Trust have discovered a playful penguin has been on the loose enjoying their own Arty adventure, exploring the exhibitions having a silly and splendid time at York Art Gallery. Illustrator Abi Hiskey has produced our animal and art inspired activities to support Discover Arts Award, so why not download them, watch our videos and have a go at creating your own animal? Perhaps you would prefer to make or colour one of our penguin zines and discover what our playful, painterly penguin has been up to at York Art Gallery?
Here are some extra activities for you to download and print to help you with your Arts Award journey.
Arts Award-Black and White Zine