Yorkshire Museum Object Donations

For full guidelines on object donations please click here.
Our collection reflects the archaeology of York and Yorkshire from the later Palaeolithic period (circa 100,000 BP) to the present day.
We are particularly interested in acquiring:
- Objects from the Anglian period (c.AD 400-900).
- Objects from the Prehistoric period (c.500,000 BC-AD 43).
- Collections amassed by individual local collectors with relevance to the development of archaeology in York and Yorkshire.
- Objects that reflect the history and development of the Yorkshire Museum and Gardens, St. Mary’s Abbey, York’s medieval castle, and St. Mary’s Church Castlegate.
- Metal detected objects of the Prehistoric, Roman, Anglian, Anglo-Scandinavian, and Medieval periods.
- Significant objects that are outstanding on a national/international level.
If the material you would like to donate has been excavated since 1997 we require that:
- It has been offered to the Portable Antiquities Scheme for recording in advance of donation to YMT.
- The material has (if necessary) been through the Treasure process. You can find out if the material is classified as Treasure at https://www.yorkshiremuseum.org.uk/portable-antiquities-scheme/.
- There is good provenance information (a minimum 6 figure grid reference).
- The landowner has given permission for the object to pass into the ownership of the donor and/or museum.
Natural Sciences
The collection reflects the biological diversity and geological wealth of the Yorkshire region.
We are particularly interested in acquiring:
- Material that reflects Yorkshire’s disappearing and changing habitats and wildlife.
- Specimens which reflect the historic and contemporary biodiversity of Yorkshire.
- Yorkshire geology of the Mesozoic and Palaeozoic.
- Yorkshire’s industrial heritage.
- Marine reptile fossils.
- Fossil plants, with an emphasis on the Jurassic period.
- Material complied by important figures and groups in the history and development of natural science from the region.
Our collection consists of coins, tokens, medals, and bank notes that reflect the archaeology and history of York and Yorkshire.
We are interested in acquiring:
- Coins, tokens and banknotes which were produced or used in York or Yorkshire.
- Commemorative, fine art and military medals that have links to individuals or events associated with the history of York and Yorkshire.
- Metal-detected coin assemblages, particularly those of the Roman, Early Medieval and Medieval periods.
- Significant objects and coin hoards that are outstanding on a national level.
- Specific collections which have been amassed by individual Yorkshire collectors.
If the material you would like to donate has been excavated since 1997 we require that:
- It has been offered to the Portable Antiquities Scheme for recording in advance of donation to YMT.
- The material has (if necessary) been through the Treasure process. You can find out if the material is classified as Treasure at https://www.yorkshiremuseum.org.uk/portable-antiquities-scheme/.
- There is good provenance information (a minimum 6 figure grid reference).
- The landowner has given permission for the object to pass into the ownership of the donor and/or museum.
It is not always possible to accept everything that is offered for the following reasons;
- We already hold similar examples in the collection.
- The item is more appropriate to another museum (e.g. it is not from York or Yorkshire).
- It is in poor condition and would be difficult to preserve.
- There is not enough information about where and when it was found.
For Archaeology and Numismatic collections:
- It does not meet the above requirements for material excavated since 1997.
Portable Antiquities Scheme Finds Days are regularly held at the Yorkshire Museum. You are welcome to bring archaeological, numismatic, or geological objects to these sessions for identification and recording. More information is available at https://www.yorkshiremuseum.org.uk/portable-antiquities-scheme/.