‘Scrooge’: A one man show by Chris Cade – Thu 21 Dec 2023

Thursday 21 December
6pm – 9pm
at the HOSPITIUM in the York Museum Gardens
“Keep Christmas well” this year and join us at the Hospitium for a festive evening. A delicious finger buffet followed by a spectacular one-man performance of ‘Scrooge’, a classic Christmas tale of redemption, generosity and warm-hearted joy.
The Hospitium is the perfect Christmas venue, a cosy atmosphere filled with twinkly lights and the smell of mulled wine wafting through the building.
Following your buffet and this fantastic performance, mulled wine and mince pies will be served.
Pre-booked tickets only
For more information please email yorkvenues@ymt.org.uk
Event details
Thursday 21 December 2023, 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm
The Hospitium,
York Museum Gardens
North Yorkshire
North Yorkshire