Described in Eboracum as 'Altar of limestone, in two fragments, of which the larger, 11ins by 2 and 1/2 ft by 8 ins, comprises the base and greater part of the die, while the smaller comprises the most of a flat topped capital, 6 and 1/2 ins high. The bolster and focus may have been supplied on a cap-stone.... D[EO SANCTO SILVA[NO L(VCVS) CELERINIVS LEG(IONIS) VIIII HIS(PANAE) V(OTVM) S(OLVIT) L(AETVS) L(IBENS) M(ERITO) ET DONVM HOC DONVM ADPERTINEAT CAVTVM ATTIGGAM 'To the holy god Silvanus, Lucius Celerinius Vitalis, clerk in the Ninth Legion Hispana, pays his vow joyfully, willingly and deservedly; and let the gift, this gift, belong; I must beware of touching it.' The last two lines are in semi-cursive lettering, cut very shallow, through the first three letters of the penulimate line are cut more deeply and a beginning has been made on the fourth. Silvanus was a god of the wild, to be propitiated when encroachments were made upon his territory, and the god of hunting; he was also identified with the North-British war-god Cocidius. A cornicularius was the clerk attached to an officer or to HQ staff...'