Described in Eboracum as "Altar, or base for statue, of magnesian limestone, 1 and 1/4 ft by 2 and 1/4 ft by 1 and 1/4 ft, damaged at the bottom and right side and a transverse cut at the top on the right and a socket on the left, suggesting reuse as a building stone. DEAE FORTVNAE SOSIA Q(VINTA) ANTONI ISAVRICI LEG(ATI) AVG(VSTI) 'To the goddess Fortune, Sosia Iuncina, wife of Quintus Antonius Isauricus, Imperial legate.' Dedications to Fortune are often associated with bath houses, but the fact that this stone appears to have been reused as a building stone excludes a direct connection. The dedication by a woman would suggest a double suit of baths, for males and females..." Bath houses, however, may equally have been open to different people on different days.