Collection Item: Inscribed Object
Basic info
- Collection
- Archaeology
- Object name
- Inscribed object
- Sarcophagus
- Object category
- Roman
- Description
- Inscribed stone sarchophagus.
Described in Eboracum as 'Coffin, of gritstone, 7ft 4ins by 2ft 3ins by 2ft 4ins. The inscription is contained in a moulded panel on the long side of the coffin, flanked by the letters D and M each beyond bracket like scrolls... The coffin had been reused for male burial in gypsum, and the tombstone of Favia Augustina formed its lid. The lettering showed traces of original red paint, now blotted out by a modern substitute. D(IS) M(ANIBVS) AEL(IE) SEVERE HONESTE FEMINE CONIVGI CAEC(ILII) RVFI QVOND(AM) V(IXIT) AN(NOS) XXVII M(ENSES) VIIII D(IES) IIII CAEC(ILIVS MVSICVS LIB(ERTVS) E(I)VS P(OSVIT) 'To the spirits of the departed (and) to the good lady Aelia Severa, once the wife of Caecilius Rufus. She lived 27 years 9 months and 4 days. Caecilius Musicus his freedman placed (this monument).' ... honesta femina might apply to the wife or daughter of a decurion.'
- Production date start
- 71
- Production date end
- 410
- Period
- Roman
- Object number
- YORYM : 2007.6124
- Number of objects
- 1
- ID
- 11146
Physical Characteristics
- Materials
- Gritstone (Whole)
- Dimensions
- Whole height 65.5 cm
- Whole width 72.0 cm
- Whole depth 224.6 cm
- Lid length 221.5 cm
- Letters height 7.6 cm
Find spot
- Place
- York
- Technique
- Carved