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Archaeology (21229 items)
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Decorative Arts (11082 items)
Fine Art (15733 items)
Geology (34048 items)
Library (3 items)
Military History (6838 items)
Numismatics (23388 items)
Photographs (5902 items)
Social History (29774 items)
Object Name
2.664 (1 items)
Advertisement (1 items)
Albarello (2 items)
Ale flagon (1 items)
Ale glass (14 items)
Apothecary jar (4 items)
Ashtray (18 items)
Asparagus dish (3 items)
Assiette (11 items)
Bacon tray (1 items)
Balancing bowl (1 items)
Ball (decorative) (13 items)
Barber's bowl (4 items)
Barometer (1 items)
Barrel (1 items)
Barrel scent jar (1 items)
Base (4 items)
Basin (3 items)
Basket (29 items)
Beaker (77 items)
Bedroom candlestick (3 items)
Beer glass (2 items)
Beer jug (1 items)
Beer mug (3 items)
Bell (4 items)
Bell crater (8 items)
Bellarmine (33 items)
Beret (1 items)
Bible box (1 items)
Bi-lobe dish (1 items)
Bin label (17 items)
Bird (6 items)
Bird feeder (1 items)
Board game part (3 items)
Bon bon stand (1 items)
Book (3 items)
Boot (2 items)
Bottle (423 items)
Bottle vase (2 items)
Bough pot (6 items)
Bowl (989 items)
Bowl cover (2 items)
Box (8 items)
Box cover (1 items)
Bread and butter dish (1 items)
Bread basket (1 items)
Bread crock (5 items)
Bread dish (1 items)
Breakfast dish (2 items)
Brooch (6 items)
Brush (1 items)
Bucket (2 items)
Buckle (7 items)
Bulb vase (1 items)
Bung hole pot (15 items)
Bust (2 items)
Butter dish (3 items)
Butter tub (4 items)
Button (123 items)
Cabinet (3 items)
Cadogan (6 items)
Cake basket (1 items)
Cake dish (1 items)
Cake fork (1 items)
Cake stand (3 items)
Cameo (60 items)
Cameo mould (15 items)
Candelabrum (1 items)
Candle box (1 items)
Candle holder (8 items)
Candle snuffer (3 items)
Candle snuffer tray (2 items)
Candlestick (55 items)
Canopic vessel (5 items)
Canopic vessel cover (6 items)
Car (1 items)
Carafe and cover (1 items)
Carpet bowl (5 items)
Carving (2 items)
Case (1 items)
Casket (8 items)
Casserole dish (43 items)
Caster (3 items)
Centrepiece (24 items)
Certificate (1 items)
Chair (24 items)
Chalice (9 items)
Chamber candlestick (1 items)
Chamber pot (3 items)
Chamber pot (medical) (1 items)
Chamberstick (1 items)
Champagne glass (1 items)
Char dish (4 items)
Character jug (2 items)
Charger (54 items)
Chawan (1 items)
Cheese dish (10 items)
Cheese dome (2 items)
Cheese stand (2 items)
Chemist's bottle (2 items)
Chest (5 items)
Chestnut basket (3 items)
Chestnut basket cover (1 items)
Chestnut basket stand (1 items)
Chicken feeder (1 items)
Child's chair (1 items)
Child's Windsor chair (1 items)
Chocolate cup (5 items)
Chocolate pot (3 items)
Christening mug (3 items)
Christmas card (2 items)
Churn (1 items)
Ciborium (1 items)
Cider bottle (1 items)
Cider jar (1 items)
Cigarette lighter (1 items)
Cistern (7 items)
Clamp (1 items)
Clock (1 items)
Coaster (5 items)
Coble (5 items)
Cockle pot (2 items)
Cockle pot cover (2 items)
Coconut cup (1 items)
Coffee biggin (1 items)
Coffee bowl (1 items)
Coffee can (4 items)
Coffee can and saucer (5 items)
Coffee cup (31 items)
Coffee cup and saucer (25 items)
Coffee jar (1 items)
Coffee pot (83 items)
Coffee pot cover (1 items)
Coffee service (7 items)
Colander (7 items)
Collection box (1 items)
Column (6 items)
Commission book (1 items)
Communion cup (2 items)
Comport (5 items)
Condiment (4 items)
Conserve pot (2 items)
Console table (2 items)
Cooking pot (3 items)
Copper kettle (2 items)
Cordial glass (32 items)
Cornice (14 items)
Cornucopia (3 items)
Cosmetic set (5 items)
Couch (7 items)
Cover (9 items)
Covered bowl (2 items)
Covered jug (2 items)
Cradle (2 items)
Crate (1 items)
Cream jug (21 items)
Cress dish (2 items)
Cruet (domestic) (15 items)
Cruet set (8 items)
Cruet stand (8 items)
Cup (124 items)
Cup and saucer (41 items)
Cushion (1 items)
Custard cup (6 items)
Cutlery box (3 items)
Cutlery drainer (1 items)
Cutlery set (1 items)
Decanter (26 items)
Decorative panel (3 items)
Decorative tile (291 items)
Design book (1 items)
Design sample (2 items)
Dessert dish (25 items)
Dessert fork (1 items)
Dessert knife (1 items)
Dessert plate (36 items)
Dessert service (1 items)
Dessert spoon (12 items)
Dining chair (7 items)
Dinner plate (12 items)
Dinner service (10 items)
Dish (548 items)
Doll's head (1 items)
Domed figurine (1 items)
Doorstop (3 items)
Double bowl (1 items)
Double dish (1 items)
Draining plate (2 items)
Dram glass (4 items)
Dressing case (1 items)
Dressing table set (2 items)
Drinking glass (24 items)
Drug bottle (28 items)
Drum (2 items)
Dry drug jar (3 items)
Earring (3 items)
Egg cup (35 items)
Egg stand (4 items)
Elephant (2 items)
Envelope (3 items)
Epergne (3 items)
Ewer (12 items)
Fabric piece (1 items)
Fairing (38 items)
Feeder (1 items)
Feeding cup (1 items)
Fern pot (1 items)
Figurine (324 items)
Fire screen (1 items)
Fish slice (1 items)
Flagon (4 items)
Flask (33 items)
Floor tile (1 items)
Flour dredger (1 items)
Flower basket (1 items)
Flower bowl (2 items)
Flower brick (1 items)
Flower holder (15 items)
Flower jar (2 items)
Flower pot and stand (3 items)
Flower pot stand (2 items)
Food warmer (6 items)
Food warmer (medical) (3 items)
Footed dish (1 items)
Forcer (1 items)
Fork (utensil) (4 items)
Form (531 items)
Fountain (1 items)
Fountain bowl and stand (1 items)
Fox (2 items)
Frame (1 items)
Frog cup (1 items)
Frog mug (7 items)
Fruit basket (10 items)
Fruit bowl (9 items)
Fruit spoon (2 items)
Fuddling cup (2 items)
Funeral tablet (1 items)
Furniture handle (5 items)
Gaming piece (19 items)
Gas burner (1 items)
Gin bottle (1 items)
Ginger jar (1 items)
Gnomen (1 items)
Goblet (53 items)
Grapefruit spoon (1 items)
Half-moon tea table (1 items)
Ham salting pan (1 items)
Hand warmer (5 items)
Hatpin (1 items)
Hatpin holder (1 items)
Hearth tile (3 items)
High ball glass (1 items)
Hip flask (3 items)
Holy water holder (1 items)
Honey pot (2 items)
Horn (3 items)
Horse (1 items)
Hot milk jug (2 items)
Hot water bottle (2 items)
Hot water cistern (1 items)
Hot water jug (1 items)
Hot water plate (2 items)
Hot water tureen (2 items)
Huqqa stand (1 items)
Hyacinth vase (1 items)
Impression (3 items)
Incense burner (6 items)
Ink pot (5 items)
Ink stand (11 items)
Ink stand and cover (1 items)
Inkwell (7 items)
Invalid cup (1 items)
Jam pot (3 items)
Jar (320 items)
Jardinière (6 items)
Jelly dish (2 items)
Jelly mould (4 items)
Jubaco (1 items)
Jug (549 items)
Key (locking) (2 items)
Knife (1 items)
Knight (1 items)
Knitting sheath (1 items)
Ladle (7 items)
Lamp (9 items)
Lamp base (4 items)
Lantern (1 items)
Laundry press (3 items)
Leaf dish (19 items)
Leech jar (3 items)
Leech vase (1 items)
Lemon squeezer (1 items)
Lemon strainer (1 items)
Letter (4 items)
Lettuce dish (1 items)
Lid (7 items)
Lidded bottle (3 items)
Lidded box (224 items)
Lidded jar (56 items)
Lidded pot (27 items)
Lidded soup bowl (1 items)
Lidded tankard (1 items)
Light (2 items)
Lobster pick (1 items)
Loving cup (23 items)
Lustre (7 items)
Magnifying glass (2 items)
Mantel clock (1 items)
Maquette (3 items)
Marrow scoop (2 items)
Match holder (2 items)
Matchstriker (1 items)
Mazer (1 items)
Measure (18 items)
Meat charger (2 items)
Meat dish (25 items)
Meat draining plate (1 items)
Medal (1 items)
Medallion (10 items)
Medicine bottle (1 items)
Military trophy (1 items)
Milk jug (54 items)
Miniature box (1 items)
Miniature candlestick (1 items)
Miniature chamber pot (1 items)
Miniature jug (3 items)
Miniature milk jug (1 items)
Miniature plate (7 items)
Miniature sugar basin (1 items)
Miniature tea bowl (2 items)
Miniature tea cup and saucer (4 items)
Miniature tea service (1 items)
Miniature teapot (4 items)
Miniature teapot and stand (1 items)
Miniature vase (1 items)
Miniature washbasin (2 items)
Mirror (2 items)
Mixing bowl (4 items)
Model golden eagle (1 items)
Money box (15 items)
Mortar (vessel) (2 items)
Mosaic (1 items)
Mote spoon (1 items)
Moustache cup (2 items)
Muff warmer (1 items)
Muffineer (4 items)
Mug (316 items)
Mustard pot (23 items)
Mustard spoon (4 items)
Napkin ring (3 items)
Necklace (2 items)
New Year card (1 items)
Nutmeg grater (1 items)
Obelisk (7 items)
Occasional table (2 items)
Oil jar (3 items)
Oil lamp (7 items)
Oil pot (1 items)
Ointment pot (3 items)
Opium pipe (1 items)
Orchid basket (1 items)
Ornament (226 items)
Ornamental spoon (1 items)
Oven (1 items)
Painted glass (window) (124 items)
Painting (1 items)
Pancheon (7 items)
Panel (3 items)
Pap boat (1 items)
Pap warmer (1 items)
Paper weight (1 items)
Partitioned cup (1 items)
Pass (1 items)
Pastille burner (3 items)
Pen (2 items)
Pen holder (3 items)
Pendant (1 items)
Pepper pot (21 items)
Perfume bottle (27 items)
Phrenologist's head (1 items)
Pickle dish (38 items)
Pickle jar (1 items)
Picture frame (1 items)
Pie dish (6 items)
Pie dish cover (1 items)
Pie dish rim (1 items)
Pier glass (1 items)
Pietra cabinet (2 items)
Pill box (1 items)
Pill slab (1 items)
Pillar candlestick (3 items)
Pin tray (2 items)
Pint and a half mug (1 items)
Pint measure (1 items)
Pint mug (3 items)
Pitcher (2 items)
Plant pot (36 items)
Plant pot and stand (3 items)
Plant pot holder (1 items)
Planter (7 items)
Plaque (52 items)
Plate (846 items)
Plate stand (1 items)
Plate warmer (1 items)
Platter (2 items)
Poached egg strainer (1 items)
Poker (1 items)
Pomander (1 items)
Porringer (3 items)
Portable shrine (1 items)
Portable toilet case (1 items)
Posset pot (10 items)
Posset pot and cover (1 items)
Postcard (5 items)
Posthorn (1 items)
Pot (292 items)
Pot-pourri basket (1 items)
Pot-pourri jar (3 items)
Pot-pourri vase (4 items)
Potters tool (2 items)
Pounce pot (5 items)
Powder box (1 items)
Presentation cup (2 items)
Presentation salver (1 items)
Preserve jar (5 items)
Print (1 items)
Printing plate (1 items)
Punch bowl (26 items)
Punch ladle (1 items)
Punch pot (1 items)
Puzzle (1 items)
Puzzle jug (26 items)
Quart mug (1 items)
Quintal (9 items)
Rat tail spoon (1 items)
Rattle (3 items)
Receipt (1 items)
Replica canopic vessel cover (1 items)
Rim (1 items)
Ring (1 items)
Ring stand (1 items)
Ritual vessel (2 items)
Rod (1 items)
Rolling pin (6 items)
Rose bowl (1 items)
Sack bottle (2 items)
Sake bowl (2 items)
Salad bowl (3 items)
Salt cellar (26 items)
Salt pig (6 items)
Salt pot (10 items)
Salver (4 items)
Sauce boat (50 items)
Sauce boat stand (3 items)
Sauce bottle (6 items)
Sauce ladle (2 items)
Sauce tureen (4 items)
Saucer (137 items)
Screen (1 items)
Sculpture (24 items)
Seagull (1 items)
Seal (17 items)
Seal matrix (1 items)
Seal top spoon (12 items)
Server (2 items)
Serving bowl (1 items)
Serving dish (32 items)
Serving plate (9 items)
Serving spoon (6 items)
Set of jugs (6 items)
Shaving mug (1 items)
Shelf (4 items)
Sherd (62 items)
Shoe buckle (4 items)
Shrine (3 items)
Side plate (8 items)
Side table (1 items)
Sideboard (1 items)
Sink (2 items)
Skewer (1 items)
Slab (2 items)
Slipware (1 items)
Slop bowl (12 items)
Smelling salts (1 items)
Smoke consumer (1 items)
Snuff bottle (5 items)
Snuff box (9 items)
Soap dish (1 items)
Sock warmer (1 items)
Socket (1 items)
Soup bowl (5 items)
Soup ladle (1 items)
Soup plate (24 items)
Soup tureen (4 items)
Souvenir (188 items)
Soy pot (3 items)
Spice jar (1 items)
Spill holder (1 items)
Spill vase (15 items)
Spirit flask (22 items)
Spirit measure (3 items)
Spittoon (2 items)
Spoon (39 items)
Spoon tray (1 items)
Sprig mould (25 items)
Stag (1 items)
Stand (34 items)
Statue (7 items)
Stem (2 items)
Stew pot (5 items)
Stilt (14 items)
Stirrup cup (13 items)
Stool (2 items)
Stopper (1 items)
Storage jar (20 items)
Stove (1 items)
Strainer (2 items)
Straining spoon (1 items)
Strawberry dish (1 items)
Strawberry pot (1 items)
Sucrier (4 items)
Sugar bowl (51 items)
Sugar bowl mould (1 items)
Sugar box (9 items)
Sugar caster (2 items)
Sugar sifter (4 items)
Sugar tongs (9 items)
Sugar tub (1 items)
Sugar vase (1 items)
Sundial (1 items)
Supper dish (1 items)
Supper set (1 items)
Sushi dish (1 items)
Sweetmeat basket (2 items)
Sweetmeat bowl (1 items)
Sweetmeat stand (1 items)
Sweetmeat tray (1 items)
Table (4 items)
Tankard (74 items)
Tea bowl (1 items)
Tea and coffee service (5 items)
Tea bowl (278 items)
Tea bowl and saucer (58 items)
Tea caddy (17 items)
Tea canister (25 items)
Tea cup (52 items)
Tea cup and saucer (67 items)
Tea jar (1 items)
Tea service (21 items)
Tea spoon (19 items)
Tea strainer (11 items)
Tea urn (1 items)
Teapot (298 items)
Teapot cover (6 items)
Teapot stand (5 items)
Teaspoon (2 items)
Three piece suite (1 items)
Tin (4 items)
Toast and water jug (1 items)
Toast rack (2 items)
Toasting glass (15 items)
Toastmaster's glass (2 items)
Tobacco holder (12 items)
Tobacco pipe (4 items)
Tobacco plate (1 items)
Toby jug (12 items)
Toddy cup (1 items)
Toddy lifter (3 items)
Toilet bowl (1 items)
Tongs (1 items)
Tool (1 items)
Top hat (1 items)
Toy dinner service (2 items)
Toy jug (1 items)
Toy plate (1 items)
Toy tea cup (2 items)
Toy tea service (7 items)
Toy wash bowl (1 items)
Tray (11 items)
Treacle pot (2 items)
Trefid spoon (13 items)
Trembleuse (4 items)
Trinket (3 items)
Trinket box (2 items)
Tripod table (1 items)
Tripple shell dish (1 items)
Trophy (26 items)
Trumpet (1 items)
Tumbler (20 items)
Tumbler cup (3 items)
Tureen (34 items)
Tureen and stand (1 items)
Tureen cover (1 items)
Twig basket (4 items)
Two-handled mug (1 items)
Umbrella stand (1 items)
Ungent pot (1 items)
Unidentified object (2 items)
Unomi (16 items)
Urn (3 items)
Ushabti (1 items)
Vase (545 items)
Vase and cover (2 items)
Vegetable draining plate (1 items)
Vessel (128 items)
Vesta case (3 items)
Vinaigrette (3 items)
Vinegar bottle (11 items)
Violet basket (2 items)
Walking stick (6 items)
Wall cistern (1 items)
Wall hanging (6 items)
Wall piece (71 items)
Wall vase (2 items)
Warmer (1 items)
Warming plate (2 items)
Washbasin (1 items)
Watch stand (2 items)
Water bottle (7 items)
Water jar (1 items)
Water jug (2 items)
Water pot (7 items)
Watering can (1 items)
Wedge (1 items)
Welsh tray (8 items)
Wet drug jar (4 items)
Whistle (6 items)
Window sash (4 items)
Windsor chair (2 items)
Wine bottle (1 items)
Wine coaster (2 items)
Wine cooler (2 items)
Wine cup (4 items)
Wine ewer (2 items)
Wine funnel (2 items)
Wine glass (39 items)
Wine jar (4 items)
Wine jug (1 items)
Wine label (2 items)
Wine pot (1 items)
Wine tasting cup (1 items)
Workbox (1 items)
Yard of ale glass (1 items)
[Muller, Bernard (Berchtold)] (1 items)
[York Glass Company] (2 items)
A J G & F (1 items)
A.G. Richardson & Company (1 items)
A.W. (1 items)
Abberley, Adrian (2 items)
Abbey, David (1 items)
Ablitt, John (5 items)
Adams (1 items)
Adams, B. (2 items)
Adamson, Patrick (5 items)
Albeck, Pat (1 items)
Ali, Mir Mustafa (2 items)
Aliyu, Danlami (5 items)
Allen, Michael (1 items)
Alvingham Pottery (1 items)
Anderson, Gillian (1 items)
Appin Pottery (1 items)
Arbeid, Daniel (6 items)
Arcadian China (4 items)
Arnold, Peter C. (5 items)
Arnup, Ben (4 items)
Arnup, Mick (5 items)
Asenbryl, Oldrich (4 items)
Ashada, Tanko (1 items)
Asprey & Company (1 items)
Astbury, Paul (9 items)
Aston, Chris (3 items)
Astoul, Eric (3 items)
Athey, Clement Kofi (3 items)
Atkins, Suzy (2 items)
Atkinson, John (3 items)
Atkinson, Patricia (3 items)
Audu, Halima (4 items)
Auld, Ian (7 items)
Austen (1 items)
Austen, J. & Son (3 items)
Avoncroft Pottery (1 items)
Aylesford Pottery (4 items)
Aylieff, Felicity (1 items)
Aynsley (1 items)
Aynsley, John (1 items)
Aysgarth Pottery (1 items)
Bacon, George (1 items)
Baddeley, John and Edward (1 items)
Baggaley Pottery (4 items)
Baguley, Alfred (16 items)
Bailey, Fulham (1 items)
Baines, Richard (1 items)
Baldwin, Christopher (1 items)
Baldwin, Gordon (119 items)
Baldwin, Rafe (1 items)
Balthazard (1 items)
Bang, Arne (1 items)
Banks, Thomas (1 items)
Barber and North (1 items)
Barber and Whitwell (15 items)
Barber, Cattle and North (11 items)
Barber, James (1 items)
Barham, Shirley (1 items)
Barker (8 items)
Barker Ellis & Co. (1 items)
Barker, E. (2 items)
Barker, Enoch (2 items)
Barker, Jane C. (1 items)
Barker, Samuel (2 items)
Barker, Samuel and Sons (3 items)
Barnard, Edward and Barnard, Edward, Junior and Bardarn, John and Barnard, William (1 items)
Barnes, Maggie (1 items)
Barnett, Anya (1 items)
Baron, William Leonard (1 items)
Barr, Flight and Barr (1 items)
Barratts (1 items)
Barron, Paul (5 items)
Barron, Pru (1 items)
Barrowclough, A. (17 items)
Barry, Val (57 items)
Barton, Glenys (3 items)
Bassano Limted (1 items)
Bateman, Peter & William (1 items)
Bateman, William (1 items)
Bates, Ben (3 items)
Bateson, John (1 items)
Bath Pottery (1 items)
Batley, Penelope (1 items)
Batterham, Reuben (1 items)
Batterham, Richard (72 items)
Baxter, Alan (2 items)
Baxter, Geoffrey (1 items)
Baxter, Paul (1 items)
Bayer, Svend (30 items)
Bayle, Pierre (1 items)
Beadsmoore, May Ling (1 items)
Beard, Peter Fraser (2 items)
Beardmore, Hilda (1 items)
Bearne, Brian Paul (2 items)
Beastow, Alan (16 items)
Beaumont, Juliet (4 items)
Beavan, Jenny (9 items)
Becrer, A.H. (4 items)
Bedding, John (3 items)
Bedford, Arnold (3 items)
Beech, Hancock & Co. (1 items)
Beer, Yolande Mary (32 items)
Beetham, Catherine (1 items)
Beldon, John (1 items)
Bell Bank Works (1 items)
Bell Hughes, Beverley K. (1 items)
Bell, Anthony (2 items)
Belle Vue Pottery (7 items)
Belleek Works (3 items)
Bell-Hughes, Terry (9 items)
Bellmont, Julian (1 items)
Benham, Tony (1 items)
Bennett, Penelope (13 items)
Bergman, Stephanie (20 items)
Bergne, Suzanne (1 items)
Berkowitz, Maggie Angus (1 items)
Berlin Pottery (2 items)
Best, Marmaduke (2 items)
Beswick (1 items)
Beverley, Michelle (1 items)
Binns, David (1 items)
Birch and Whitehead (1 items)
Birkby, James (1 items)
Birley, Suzanne (2 items)
Blackburn, C.E., Squadron Leader (1 items)
Blackhurst and Tunnicliffe (1 items)
Blackie, Sebastian (7 items)
Blades, Carol (2 items)
Blandino, Betty (2 items)
Blatherwick, Robert (1 items)
BM (2 items)
Boncath Pottery (1 items)
Booths (1 items)
Borgh Pottery (1 items)
Boscean Pottery (5 items)
Bound, Charles (9 items)
Bow (1 items)
Bowen, Clive (20 items)
Boyne-Whitelegg, Catherine (1 items)
Braden, Norah (5 items)
Bradley, John (1 items)
Bradshaw (1 items)
Brameld and Company (295 items)
Brannan, C.H. (1 items)
Brayford, Walter E. (2 items)
Bretby (1 items)
Bright, Allen (2 items)
Briglin Pottery (1 items)
Brind, Walter (1 items)
Brislington Pottery (4 items)
Bristol (1 items)
Bristow, Shaun (1 items)
Britton, Alison (2 items)
Britton, Richard (1 items)
Brock, Hilary (7 items)
Broide, Alicia (2 items)
Broonfield, William (1 items)
Brown, Christie (2 items)
Brown, Paul (7 items)
Brown, Peter (1 items)
Brown, Sandy (5 items)
Brown, Yvette (4 items)
Brownfield, William and Son (2 items)
Brownhills (2 items)
Brunsdon, Alan (5 items)
Bruun, Edith Sonne (4 items)
Buchanan, John (1 items)
Buckland, Michael (8 items)
Buckle, J.T. & Company (4 items)
Bullett, Owen (1 items)
Burgess, Jan (1 items)
Burgin, Julia (3 items)
Burlington, John Shaw & Sons (Longton) Limted (1 items)
Burmantoft (1 items)
Burmantofts Pottery (4 items)
Burnett, Deirdre (6 items)
Burr, Graham (20 items)
Burton-in-Lonsdale Pottery (1 items)
Busfield, William (2 items)
Bush and Perkins (1 items)
Button, Isaac (29 items)
Byers, Ian (1 items)
Bylebyl, Thomas (1 items)
C & Co. (1 items)
C (silversmith) (1 items)
C.W.S (2 items)
Caiger-Smith, Alan (86 items)
Calenick Pottery (1 items)
Calver, John (7 items)
Cambrian Pottery (5 items)
Campbell, James Alexander (3 items)
Campion, Lester (1 items)
Campion, Peg (2 items)
Cane, Kyra (8 items)
Cantagalli (1 items)
Cardew, Ara (13 items)
Cardew, Michael Ambrose (72 items)
Cardew, Seth (44 items)
Cardigan Pottery (1 items)
Carline, Sydney (1 items)
Carlton China (6 items)
Carlton Ware Limited (1 items)
Carr, Colin (1 items)
Carter, J.H. (2 items)
Carter, Willie (3 items)
Carter-Preston, Julia (10 items)
Cartidge, F. and Company (1 items)
Cartwright and Edwards Limted (7 items)
Cartwright, Michael (1 items)
Casanovas, Claudi (1 items)
Case, Mary (2 items)
Cass, Barbara (62 items)
Casson, Ben (1 items)
Casson, Michael (66 items)
Casson, Sheila (14 items)
Castleford Pottery (48 items)
Catherall, Samuel (1 items)
Caton, Paul (1 items)
Cattle and Barber (13 items)
Cattle and North (1 items)
Catton, W. (1 items)
Caughley Porcelain Works (29 items)
Cauldon Ltd (2 items)
CH & JE (1 items)
Chague, Thiebaut (3 items)
Chalke, John (3 items)
Chambers, Richard (3 items)
Chapallaz, Edouard (1 items)
Chappell, John (2 items)
Chappell, Stephen (2 items)
Chawner, Henry (1 items)
Chesworth and Robinson (1 items)
Chetham & Woolley (1 items)
Chiswell Jones, Jonathan (7 items)
Christie, John (18 items)
Christie, Stephanie (1 items)
Christofle & Company (1 items)
Clarence Potteries Company (6 items)
Clark, Kenneth (1 items)
Clarke, Dillon (3 items)
Clarkson, Derek (13 items)
Claw Factory (2 items)
Clews, James and Clews, Ralph (1 items)
Cliff, Clarice (2 items)
Clinton, Margery (1 items)
Clover, Desmond Maurice (1 items)
Cm (1 items)
Coalport (4 items)
Cockram, John Roger (1 items)
Cocks, Samuel (1 items)
Coldstone Pottery (1 items)
Colebrook (1 items)
Collingwood, Peter (3 items)
Collins, Nic (2 items)
Collins, Russel (1 items)
Colonnese, F. (1 items)
Colonnese, G. (1 items)
Commondale Brick, Pipe and Pottery Company Limited (6 items)
Commondale Pottery (12 items)
Constantinidis, Aruni (1 items)
Constantinidis, Joanna (37 items)
Conta & Boehme (3 items)
Cook, George Frederick (4 items)
Cooke, Gordon (1 items)
Cooke, William (3 items)
Cookson, Isaac (3 items)
Cooper, Ben (1 items)
Cooper, Emmanuel, Professor (14 items)
Cooper, Francis Glanville (2 items)
Cooper, Ronald G. (1 items)
Cooper, Susie (2 items)
Cooper, Waistel (25 items)
Copeland (4 items)
Copeland and Garrett (27 items)
Copeland Spode (6 items)
Copeland, W.T. & Sons (2 items)
Coper, Hans (32 items)
Corbett, Hubert (1 items)
Cork and Edge (1 items)
Coronet Pottery (1 items)
Corser, Trevor (4 items)
Cotes, Bernard J. (1 items)
Cowper, Henry (1 items)
Cozzi, Geminiano (1 items)
Cree, Suzy (9 items)
Creed, Lewis (Russell Street) (3 items)
Creil (4 items)
Crescent & Sons (1 items)
Cricklade Pottery (3 items)
Cripps, William (2 items)
Cross, Dianne (4 items)
Crotty, Peter Michael (13 items)
Crouch, Andrew (2 items)
Crouch, Keith (2 items)
Crowan Pottery (13 items)
Crown Ducal (2 items)
Crown Works (2 items)
Curneen, Claire (1 items)
Curtis, George (1 items)
D.A. (1 items)
D.B. (1 items)
Daintry, Natasha (2 items)
Dalton, William Bower (3 items)
Dan, John (1 items)
Daniel, Walter (1 items)
Darker, William (1 items)
Davenport (2 items)
Davies, John (potter) (3 items)
Davis, Derek (21 items)
Davis, Harry (95 items)
Davis, Josse (5 items)
Davis, May (42 items)
Davison, Patricia (2 items)
Dawson & Company (1 items)
Dawson (pottery) (1 items)
Dawson, Sally (19 items)
De Bijl (1 items)
De Milde, Ary (1 items)
De Morgan, William (9 items)
De Trey, Marianne (10 items)
De Vere, Emily (1 items)
De Waal, Edmund (10 items)
Deakin, James & Son (1 items)
Deck, Theodore (1 items)
Decoeur, Emile (4 items)
Delmain (1 items)
Denby (1 items)
Denholme Pottery (5 items)
Denyer, Isabel (1 items)
Derby Porcelain (14 items)
Dewar, Richard (1 items)
Dewbury, Brian (1 items)
Dick, Jill (7 items)
Dick, Peter (47 items)
Dicker Ware (1 items)
Dixon, Austin and Company (1 items)
Dixon, James and Sons (2 items)
Dixon, Peter (1 items)
Dixon, Phillips and Company (2 items)
Dixon, Stephen (6 items)
Dodd, Mike (21 items)
Doherty, Jack (3 items)
Don Pottery (38 items)
Doonan, Geoffrey (2 items)
Doulton & Company (1 items)
Doulton & Company (Burslem) (5 items)
Doulton & Company (Lambeth) (6 items)
Dresser, Christopher (6 items)
Drew, William (1 items)
Dring, Charles James (1 items)
Duckworth, Ruth (11 items)
Dudson, James (3 items)
Duesbury, William (2 items)
Duncomb, Samuel (1 items)
Dunderdale, David and Company (44 items)
Dunmore Pottery (1 items)
Dunn, Constance (1 items)
Dunn, John (1 items)
Durham Pottery (1 items)
Dworski, Adam (4 items)
E Smith & Co (1 items)
E.D. (1 items)
E.E. (1 items)
E.H. (2 items)
E.M. (1 items)
E.R. (1 items)
E.S.B (1 items)
Eason, Jeanette (1 items)
Eastop, Geoffrey (11 items)
Eaton, William (1 items)
Eden, Mike (1 items)
Edmunds, Dave (1 items)
Eeles, David (1 items)
Egermann, F. (2 items)
Eglin, Philip (7 items)
El Nigoumi, Siddig (7 items)
Eley, William and Fearn, William (1 items)
Elizabethan (1 items)
Elkington & Co Limted (1 items)
Elkington & Co. (3 items)
Elliott, George (10 items)
Ellul, Lisa (1 items)
Elsmore and Forster (1 items)
Elsner, Dante (1 items)
Elton, Edmund Harry, Sir (5 items)
Elwood, Patty (2 items)
Emms, Derek (11 items)
Empire (1 items)
Eriksen, Gutte (2 items)
Erven Lucas Bols Lootsje (2 items)
Evans, D.J. and Company (1 items)
Eynon, Gerwyn (1 items)
F.J.Fowler of Sheffield (Britannia Metal) (1 items)
F.M. (1 items)
Farrell, Dennis (4 items)
Feibleman, Dorothy (1 items)
Fell, Thomas and Company (1 items)
Ferry, Neville (2 items)
Ferrybridge Pottery (67 items)
Ffestiniog Pottery (1 items)
Fieldhouse, Murray (2 items)
Fielding, S. & Co (1 items)
Fielding, S. & Co Limted (1 items)
Fielding, S. & Company Limited (1 items)
Finch, Joe (2 items)
Finch, Ray (48 items)
Finch, Trudi (2 items)
Fitch, Doug (13 items)
Fitzpatrick, Ruth (1 items)
Flaxman, John (potter) (4 items)
Floche, Anne (1 items)
Foley China (3 items)
Foley Potteries (2 items)
Folley (1 items)
Ford and South Hylton Potteries (1 items)
Ford, Jill (1 items)
Forepaugh, L., Mrs (14 items)
Forrester, Bernard (16 items)
Foulsham, Tom (1 items)
Fournier, Robert (11 items)
Fournier, Sheila (18 items)
Franklin, Ruth (2 items)
Fries Makkum (1 items)
Frith, David (21 items)
Frith, Margaret (4 items)
Fritsch, Elizabeth (6 items)
Fuchs, Annette (2 items)
Fuchs, Tessa (1 items)
Fulford, Mo (1 items)
Fuller, Geoffrey (9 items)
Fuller, Patricia (4 items)
Fulstham, Tom (1 items)
G & C (1 items)
G & G (1 items)
Gandy, Paul (1 items)
Gant, Tony (3 items)
Gardiner, Judith (1 items)
Gardiner, Margaret (5 items)
Gardiner, Ray (1 items)
Gardner, Peter (1 items)
Garland, David (8 items)
Geldart, Joshua (1 items)
Gemma (3 items)
Gibson, George (2 items)
Gill, Mark (1 items)
Gladstone Pottery Museum (1 items)
Glanville, John Donald (1 items)
Glick, John (2 items)
Gobbels, Horst (1 items)
Godby, Terry (2 items)
Godfrey, Ian (84 items)
Godman, Samuel (2 items)
Godwin, E.W. (1 items)
Godwin, T. (1 items)
Godwin, W. (1 items)
Gonzalez, Barbara (1 items)
Gooderham, Paul (1 items)
Goodwin, Bridgewood and Orton (1 items)
Gorry, Colin (1 items)
Gorwood, J. (1 items)
Goss, W.H. (2 items)
Gotzkowsky, Johann Ernst (1 items)
Grafton China (4 items)
Gramshree Trust (4 items)
Grant, Vivien (1 items)
Gray, A.E.& Co (1 items)
Greaves, David (4 items)
Greaves, Kate (3 items)
Greek, A. (1 items)
Green (1 items)
Green, J.W. & Sons (1 items)
Green, John (potter) (26 items)
Green, John William and Company (4 items)
Green, Kevin M. (1 items)
Green, Stephen (3 items)
Green, T.G. (1 items)
Greendock Works (1 items)
Greens, Clark and Co. (1 items)
Greenway, Henry (1 items)
Gregory, Ian (5 items)
Grey's Pottery (1 items)
Griffiths, Arthur J. (14 items)
Griffiths, Mark (1 items)
Grimwades (5 items)
Grimwades Limited (1 items)
Groom, Patrick George (3 items)
Guegon-Tromp, Patricia (1 items)
Gwenny Pottery (1 items)
Gyles, Henry (2 items)
H.H. (1 items)
H.W. & Company (2 items)
Hackwood (3 items)
Hadderidge Pottery (1 items)
Hague, Andrew (1 items)
Haigh, Janette (3 items)
Haile, Samuel (1 items)
Hale & Sons (3 items)
Hale, Anne (5 items)
Hale, David (5 items)
Hale, Jenni (2 items)
Hall, Henry (1 items)
Hall, Martin and Company (1 items)
Hall, William (2 items)
Hamada, Atsuya (2 items)
Hamada, Shoji (54 items)
Hamer, Frank (4 items)
Hamer, Janet (3 items)
Hamilton, Jean Florence (1 items)
Hamlyn, Jane (44 items)
Hammond, Henry Fauchon (18 items)
Hampson and Broadhurst (1 items)
Hampston and Prince (11 items)
Hampston, Prince and Cattles (4 items)
Hancock & Sons (1 items)
Hanssen Pigott, Gwyn (32 items)
Hanssen, Louis (7 items)
Hardie, Alastair (3 items)
Harlock-Stringer, Harry (1 items)
Harlow, John (1 items)
Harper, Jerry (11 items)
Harrell, Wishon (1 items)
Harries, Chris (10 items)
Harrison, John (pewterer) (2 items)
Harrison, Tobias (1 items)
Hart, George A. (1 items)
Hartley, Greens and Company (584 items)
Harvey, Edmund (5 items)
Harwood, P. and J. (3 items)
Harwood, T. (1 items)
Harwood, Thomas (6 items)
Hawkshead Pottery (1 items)
Hawksworth, Eyre & Co. (1 items)
Hawley (7 items)
Hawley Pottery (2 items)
Haynes, Frank (1 items)
Helving, Hans (1 items)
Heminsley, David (3 items)
Henderson, Ewen (111 items)
Hennell, Robert (2 items)
Hepworth and Heald (2 items)
Hepworth, Joan (2 items)
Herculaneum Pottery (3 items)
Herm Pottery (2 items)
Herman, Sam (5 items)
Herman, Samuel J. (6 items)
Herold, Jane (7 items)
Hessenberg, Karin (14 items)
Hewitt, Mark (8 items)
Heworth Moor Pottery (2 items)
HIH (1 items)
Hill, Tony (3 items)
Hillam, Mollie (2 items)
Hirstwood, Joseph (1 items)
Hjorth, Erik (1 items)
Hochst (2 items)
Hodges, J. and Sons (1 items)
Hodgson and Son (1 items)
Hofmann, Lotte (1 items)
Hogg, William (1 items)
Holdsworth, Peter (2 items)
Holland, John (1 items)
Holland, William Fishley (3 items)
Hollins, Samuel (1 items)
Holme Gaard (1 items)
Hoogland, Niek (2 items)
Hooper, David (1 items)
Hopkins, Eddie (2 items)
Horlock-Stringer, Harry (4 items)
Hornsea Pottery (23 items)
Hotchin, Joan (23 items)
Howcans Pottery (21 items)
Hoy, Agnete (6 items)
Hoyland, Irwin (10 items)
Huggett, Barry (1 items)
Hughes, Edward (14 items)
Hugo, Glynn (5 items)
Humble, Hartley, Greens and Co. (3 items)
Humpherson, Peter (1 items)
Hunslet Glass Works (1 items)
Hunslet Hall Pottery (28 items)
Hutton, W. & Sons (1 items)
I.B. (1 items)
I.W. (1 items)
Ibata, Katsue (1 items)
Ichino, Shigeyoshi (8 items)
Ideal (1 items)
Ido, Asibi (1 items)
Illsley, Bryan (114 items)
Inky Parrot Press (2 items)
Innes Bros (1 items)
Insen, P. (1 items)
Isaac Wilson and Company (8 items)
Ismay, W.A. (6 items)
J. Aynsley & Sons (1 items)
J.B.D. (1 items)
J.H. (silversmith) (London) (1 items)
J.S.B. (1 items)
J.W. Knowles & Sons (5 items)
Jackfield Pottery (1 items)
Jackson, Josephine (1 items)
Jackson, Paul Northmore (6 items)
Jadeson, John (1 items)
James Dixon & Sons (Britannia Metal) (1 items)
James Kent (2 items)
James, Anne (4 items)
Jameson, Kerry (47 items)
Jbc & Co (1 items)
Jelfs, John (2 items)
Jenkins, Chris (4 items)
Jenkins, Richard (2 items)
Jenkinson, Thomas (1 items)
Johnson Brothers (2 items)
Johnson, Barry (2 items)
Jones, A.B. and Sons (1 items)
Jones, Anne L (1 items)
Jones, Christine (1 items)
Jones, David Howard (1 items)
Jones, Jennifer (3 items)
Juniper, Harry (1 items)
Jupp, Mo (7 items)
KÃ¥ge, Wilhelm (1 items)
Kamzan, Marni Joy (4 items)
Kaplan, Richard (1 items)
Karnes, Karen (1 items)
Kawai, Kanjiro (3 items)
Keeler, Madoline (2 items)
Keeler, Walter (34 items)
Keeling and Co Limted (1 items)
Keeling, Jim (1 items)
Keen, Lawrence (2 items)
Keenan, Chris (9 items)
Kellam, Colin (5 items)
Kenkichi, Tomimoto (1 items)
Kennedy (1 items)
Kenny, Ann (1 items)
Kenny, Jack (1 items)
Kepp, Steen (1 items)
Kettle, Alice (1 items)
Kilncraft (2 items)
Kilnhurst Old Pottery (23 items)
Kimbler, C. (1 items)
King, Andrea (1 items)
King, Robert (2 items)
King, Ruth (7 items)
Knapper, Gerhard (1 items)
Knowles & Sons (2 items)
Knowles, John Ward (3 items)
Koch, Gabriele (3 items)
Kocks, A. (1 items)
Kolonyama Pottery (6 items)
Krebs, Nathalie (8 items)
Kuhn, Beate (3 items)
Kuipers, Michel (9 items)
Kuna Bute, Peter (1 items)
Kurashima, Yoshihiro (6 items)
Kwali, Ladi (12 items)
Lakeland Pottery (1 items)
Lake's Cornish Pottery (3 items)
Lakin and Poole (1 items)
Lambeth (9 items)
Lancaster (2 items)
Lane, Peter (1 items)
Langlands, John (3 items)
Langley Mill (1 items)
Lanyon, Thomas (1 items)
Lapai, Hassan (4 items)
Lascelles, Peter John (1 items)
Launder, Richard (6 items)
Lawrence, Kathryn (1 items)
Lawrence, Rodney (4 items)
Layton, Peter (2 items)
Le Corre, Gilles (12 items)
Le Don Pottery (1 items)
Le Sage, Augustus (1 items)
Leach Pottery (30 items)
Leach, Bernard Howell (73 items)
Leach, David Andrew (45 items)
Leach, Janet (27 items)
Leach, Jeremy (3 items)
Leach, John (18 items)
Leach, Michael (23 items)
Leach, Philip (1 items)
Leach, Simon (3 items)
Leapidge, Edward (2 items)
Leeds Old Pottery Company (1 items)
Leeds Pottery Company (615 items)
Lees, Nicholas (1 items)
Leighton (1 items)
Lendal Chapel (2 items)
Lenoble, Emile (2 items)
Lewenstein, Eileen (15 items)
Lewis, Chris (8 items)
Lewis, Glenn (6 items)
Lewis, Martin (1 items)
Lewis, Peter (1 items)
Liao, Chun (1 items)
Liggins, Johnathan (1 items)
Lime Kiln Lane Pottery (1 items)
Linnemann-Schmidt, Per (1 items)
Linthorpe (5 items)
Linthorpe Pottery (37 items)
Lister & Sons (1 items)
Litster, John (1 items)
Liverpool (1 items)
Liverpool Road Pottery (1 items)
Llewellyn, Stephen (1 items)
Lloyd-Jones, David (53 items)
Lochhead, Thomas (2 items)
Locke, Donald (14 items)
Logan, Trevor (2 items)
Logie, Donald R. (1 items)
Lomas, John (4 items)
Longbottom, Samuel (1 items)
Lowe, William (1 items)
Lowerdown Pottery (1 items)
Lowestoft Pottery (3 items)
Lowndes, Gillian (47 items)
Lucas, Dennis (1 items)
Lucas, Dennis Edward (1 items)
Lynch, Marian (1 items)
Lyons, Stephanie (1 items)
M.R. (14 items)
Mableson, Gus (1 items)
Mabon, Robert (3 items)
MacDonell, Alasdair (5 items)
MacDonell, Sally (2 items)
MacKenzie, Warren (3 items)
Magdalene, Pietro Elia (1 items)
Magson, Mal (33 items)
Majestic (1 items)
Mak, Yee-Fun (1 items)
Malone, Jim (124 items)
Malone, Kate (1 items)
Maltby, John (29 items)
Mangy, Edward (1 items)
Mangy, George (1 items)
Mangy, Thomas (3 items)
Mann, Carol (2 items)
Manor Pottery (1 items)
Mappin Brothers (1 items)
Margrie, Victor (1 items)
Marsh, Philemon (1 items)
Marshall, Ray (2 items)
Marshall, Scott (6 items)
Marshall, West (5 items)
Marshall, William (24 items)
Marshall, William Levi (1 items)
Martin Brothers (21 items)
Martin, Ivan (3 items)
Martin, Kay (10 items)
Mason, Charles James (1 items)
Mason, G.M. and Mason, C.J. (7 items)
Mason, Miles (1 items)
Mason's (2 items)
Mathews, Heber (1 items)
Matsunaga, Nao (10 items)
Mattingly, Erica (14 items)
Mattison, Steve (1 items)
Mayer, Elijah (2 items)
McBirney, David and Co. (3 items)
McCall, Archie (1 items)
McDonnell, Myra (1 items)
McErlain, Alex (24 items)
McGarva, Andrew (9 items)
McGarva, Clare (1 items)
McKellar, Chippi (1 items)
McNicoll, Carol (2 items)
McWhinnie, Vinthia (1 items)
Meakin, J. & G. (1 items)
Meakin, J. and G. (1 items)
Meigh, Charles (4 items)
Meir, John and Son (1 items)
Meissen (20 items)
Mellon, Eric James (72 items)
Menzies, Gordon William (6 items)
Merton Abbey Pottery (2 items)
Messrs Mason's Ironstone China Limted (1 items)
Mexborough Old Pottery (10 items)
Mid Winter (5 items)
Middlesbrough Pottery (4 items)
Middlesbrough Pottery Company (37 items)
Midwinter (7 items)
Miles Mason (4 items)
Miller, David (2 items)
Milway, Toff H. (2 items)
Minchin, Maureen (1 items)
Minton (8 items)
Minton's Limited (1 items)
Moira Pottery Company Limted (1 items)
Mommens, Ursula (21 items)
Monckton, Angela (3 items)
Moody, John (1 items)
Moody, Tony James (2 items)
Moor, John (2 items)
Moore and Co. (2 items)
Moore, Bernard (1 items)
Moore, Denis (2 items)
Moore, J. (cutler) (1 items)
Moore, Tony (3 items)
Morgan, Ron (2 items)
Morley, Francis and Co. (1 items)
Morris, David (2 items)
Morton, Enos (1 items)
Mother Shipton China (4 items)
Mowat, Zelda (2 items)
Muller, Bernard (1 items)
Müller-Huschke, Regina (1 items)
Mumford, Philip (1 items)
Munch Peterson, Lisbeth (1 items)
Munday, Liz (1 items)
Munn, Annabel (3 items)
Murfitt, Stephen (2 items)
Murray, William Staite (46 items)
Musgrove, Nan (1 items)
Mushroom Pottery (1 items)
Myott, Son & Co. (1 items)
N & H (1 items)
Nafferton Pottery (2 items)
Nailsea (1 items)
Nakamura, Masako (8 items)
Nanrich (1 items)
Naylor, Georgia (1 items)
Neale, James and Co. (3 items)
Newhill Pottery (7 items)
Newland, William (2 items)
Newman, Bryan (8 items)
Newmarch, Carol (1 items)
Newport Pottery Co (1 items)
Nguyen, Rosa (5 items)
Nichol, Gabriel (1 items)
Nielsen, Johannes Knud Ove (1 items)
Nisbet, Eileen (10 items)
Noel, Anna (1 items)
North Shore Pottery (14 items)
Nylund, Gunnar (2 items)
Nymphenburg (1 items)
OBrien, Michael (potter) (5 items)
Odney Pottery (1 items)
Odundo, Magdalene (5 items)
Ogelsby, Jacqueline (2 items)
Okawa, Nobuo (2 items)
Old Hall Pottery (4 items)
Oldfield and Co. (1 items)
Oldroyd, Lucy (7 items)
O'Rorke, Margaret (2 items)
Ould, John (1 items)
Owen, Beryl (1 items)
Owen, Elspeth (25 items)
Owen, George (1 items)
Owen, Lisa (1 items)
Padfield, Mabel (12 items)
Palissy (1 items)
Paragon China (2 items)
Park, Suck Woo (5 items)
Parker, Warwick (1 items)
Parkes, J. (1 items)
Parkin & Marshall (1 items)
Passenger, Charles (1 items)
Passenger, Fred (1 items)
Patwardham, Nirmala (1 items)
Pearson, Colin (43 items)
Pearsons of Chesterfield (1 items)
Peascod, Alan (1 items)
Peckitt, Harriet (1 items)
Peckitt, William (88 items)
Pedley, Christine (1 items)
Perryman, Jane (1 items)
Peyton, Diane M. (6 items)
Phillips and Co. (1 items)
Phillips, Anthony (1 items)
Phillips, George (1 items)
Piaud, Sylvie (1 items)
Picasso, Pablo (1 items)
Piker, Todd (2 items)
Pile, Ronald (1 items)
Pilkington's Tile & Pottery Company Limted (1 items)
Pincombe, Helen (33 items)
Plant (1 items)
Platt, Tim (1 items)
Pleydell-Bouverie, Katharine (23 items)
Plumley, Charles (1 items)
Pollex, John (3 items)
Poncelet, Jacqueline (3 items)
Poole (2 items)
Poole, Thomas (1 items)
Potier, Vincent (5 items)
Potter, Christopher (potter) (1 items)
Potter, John (potter) (1 items)
Pottery and Ceramics (1 items)
Priem, Victor (4 items)
Prince, Colin (3 items)
Prosser, Deborah (2 items)
Proud, Tim (1 items)
Pudsey Pottery (2 items)
Purbeck Pottery (1 items)
Queensberry, David (1 items)
Quick, Kenneth (10 items)
Quinn, Bernadette (1 items)
R and S (1 items)
R.F. (1 items)
R.G. (1 items)
R.W.L (1 items)
Rabey, Phil (1 items)
Rabinowitz, Chaim (1 items)
Radcliffe, Gillian (2 items)
Radstone, Sara (98 items)
Raeburn, Elizabeth (2 items)
Rainforth & Company (2 items)
Ramalho, Rosa (1 items)
Ramie, Georges (1 items)
Ramie, Suzanne (1 items)
Rasmussen, Merete (2 items)
Ratcliffe, William (1 items)
Rayne, Alison (1 items)
RB (1 items)
Read, Bill (2 items)
Read, Vicki (2 items)
Redfearn's National Glass Company PLC (4 items)
Redington, Susan (1 items)
Reed (potter) (4 items)
Reed and Taylor (2 items)
Reed, J. (5 items)
Rees, Nick (1 items)
Reeve, John (6 items)
Regent China (1 items)
Rey, Margaret Enid (2 items)
Reychan, Stanislas (9 items)
Rhodes, D. (1 items)
Rich, Mary (12 items)
Richards, Christine Ann (5 items)
Richards, Frances Emma (2 items)
Ridgeway, John and Company (3 items)
Ridgeway, John and Ridgeway, William (10 items)
Ridgway Potteries Limited (2 items)
Rie, Lucie (179 items)
Riffin, Peter (2 items)
Riley, John and Richard (1 items)
Ringtons (1 items)
Robert, John (1 items)
Roberts, David (4 items)
Roberts, Jonathan (2 items)
Robins, John (2 items)
Robinson, James M. (1 items)
Robinson, Peter (5 items)
Robison, Jim (11 items)
Rock Pottery (10 items)
Rockingham Works (294 items)
Rogers, Bob (3 items)
Rogers, J.G. (7 items)
Rogers, John and George (13 items)
Rogers, Mary (30 items)
Rogers, Phil (17 items)
Rokkjaer, Inger (2 items)
Rooke, Bernard (2 items)
Rosabel (1 items)
Ross, Duncan (1 items)
Ross, Vivienne (1 items)
Roth, Kristen (1 items)
Rowntree and Company Limted (1 items)
Royal Albert (1 items)
Royal Copenhagen (2 items)
Royal Doulton (8 items)
Royal Grafton (1 items)
Royal Vienna (1 items)
Royal Winton (1 items)
Royal Worcester (10 items)
Rue Fontaine au Roi (1 items)
Rushbrooke, Karlin (1 items)
Russell, Clare (1 items)
Russell, Fay (3 items)
S & J (1 items)
S.Y. (1 items)
Saba, Suleyman (1 items)
Sadalin, Ebbe (1 items)
Sadler (2 items)
Sadler & Sons (1 items)
Saidman, Rita (2 items)
Sailes (2 items)
Saint Anthony's Pottery (3 items)
Saladine Nook Pottery (1 items)
Salmon, Antonia (1 items)
Salto, Axel (2 items)
Sampson Hancock & Sons (1 items)
Samuel Alcock & Company (2 items)
Samuel Ford & Co. (1 items)
Sanders, Diana (1 items)
Sanderson, Robert (3 items)
Sands End Pottery (3 items)
Sargent, Patrick (24 items)
Savoy China (2 items)
Scheid, Karl (4 items)
Scheid, Ursula (3 items)
Schenck, F. (1 items)
Schilbert Gerbing (4 items)
Schiller, W. and Son (4 items)
Schloessingk, Micki (12 items)
Schofield, A (1 items)
Scott, David (1 items)
AA (1 items)
AA body 49 (1 items)
Acrylic glaze (1 items)
Acrylic paint (4 items)
Agate ware (32 items)
Alabaster (4 items)
Alder ash (1 items)
Alkaline glaze (1 items)
Alluminium alloy (1 items)
Aluminium (3 items)
Ame-gusuri (1 items)
Apple ash (7 items)
Ash glaze (376 items)
Baize (1 items)
Bamboo (5 items)
Barium glaze (3 items)
Bark (1 items)
Basalt (8 items)
Base metal (1 items)
Beech ash (1 items)
Birch wood (1 items)
Bitumen (4 items)
Black basalt (1 items)
Blotting paper (1 items)
Board (2 items)
Bone (5 items)
Bone china (37 items)
Bracken ash (1 items)
Brass (26 items)
Britannia metal (1 items)
Bronze (12 items)
Bronze glaze (1 items)
Bubbled glaze (1 items)
Buff glaze (25 items)
Burnished (2 items)
Calico (4 items)
Cane (18 items)
Canvas (12 items)
Carbon trapped shino (1 items)
Card (5 items)
Card (material) (1 items)
Cardboard (8 items)
Celadon (100 items)
Ceramic (356 items)
Ceramic pigment (1 items)
Chalk (2 items)
Cherry ash (4 items)
China-clay (14 items)
Chromium (2 items)
Chun (42 items)
Clay (material) (29 items)
Cobalt oxide (62 items)
Coconut (2 items)
Concrete (2 items)
Copper (16 items)
Copper alloy (29 items)
Copper glaze (3 items)
Copper green glaze (2 items)
Copper oxide glaze (2 items)
Copper pink glaze (3 items)
Copper red glaze (23 items)
Copydex (1 items)
Cork (8 items)
Cotton (8 items)
Crackle glaze (26 items)
Crystaline (4 items)
Dacron (1 items)
Dolomite (13 items)
Dolomite (glaze) (1 items)
Driftwood (1 items)
Dry ash (29 items)
Dry glaze (7 items)
Earthenware (3591 items)
Eartheware (3 items)
Egyptian paste (15 items)
Elm ash (30 items)
Enamel (21 items)
Enamel glaze (8 items)
Engobe (1 items)
Escalonia A & B6 (1 items)
Escalonia A132 (1 items)
Escalonia ash (2 items)
Fabric (11 items)
Faux fur (3 items)
Feather (1 items)
Feldspathic (1 items)
Feldspathic clay (1 items)
Feldspathic stoneware (35 items)
Felt (1 items)
Fibreglass (8 items)
Fine clay (1 items)
Fire clay (2 items)
Fireclay (3 items)
Fly ash (1 items)
Foam (1 items)
Fox skin (1 items)
Fur (1 items)
Galena (3 items)
Gilt metal (3 items)
Glass (691 items)
Glaze (1 items)
Gold glaze (17 items)
Gold lustre glaze (1 items)
Gold plated nickel silver (1 items)
Granite (4 items)
Granite chippings (2 items)
Grass (1 items)
Grey buff (1 items)
Grog earthenware (1 items)
Grogged clay (1 items)
Grogged porcelain (2 items)