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Archaeology (21229 items)
Biology (14282 items)
Costume and Textiles (15468 items)
Decorative Arts (11082 items)
Fine Art (15733 items)
Geology (34048 items)
Library (3 items)
Military History (6838 items)
Numismatics (23388 items)
Photographs (5902 items)
Social History (29774 items)
Object Name
(Currant) spinach moth (1 items)
[Carrion crow] (1 items)
[Raven] (1 items)
Acanthis flammea rostrata (1 items)
Acanthopneusle tenellipes (6 items)
Acanthus hornemanni (1 items)
Accipiter nisus nisus (2 items)
Acrocephalus arundiaceus arundinaceus (9 items)
Acrocephalus arundinacea (1 items)
Acrocephalus bistrigiceps (2 items)
Acrocephalus palustris (2 items)
Acrocephalus schoenobaenus (7 items)
Acrocephalus streperus (2 items)
Actitis hypoleucos (6 items)
Actitis macularia (1 items)
Adjutant stork (1 items)
Adonis blue butterfly (1 items)
Aegialitis hiaticula (1 items)
Aethusa cynapium (1 items)
African giant snail (1 items)
African grey parrot (1 items)
African lion (1 items)
Agropyron (1 items)
Agrostis vulgata (1 items)
Aira alpine (1 items)
Albatross (1 items)
Albert Wilson Herbarium (2 items)
Alca torda britannica (1 items)
Alopecurus, Milium (1 items)
Alpine accentor (5 items)
Alpine chough (2 items)
Alpine fleabane (1 items)
Alpine saxifrage (1 items)
Alpine swift (2 items)
American bittern (5 items)
American kestrel (1 items)
American mink (2 items)
American widgeon (1 items)
American wigeon (1 items)
Anchusa, Lycopsis, Pulmonaria, Myosotis, Lithospermum, (1 items)
Anemone, Ranunculus, Fumaria (1 items)
Angel wing (1 items)
Angle shades moth (2 items)
Angola vulture (1 items)
Animal remains (1 items)
Anorthura troglodytes (1 items)
Ant (3 items)
Anthus arboreus (1 items)
Antirrhinum, Scrophularia, Mimulus, Limosella (1 items)
Apteryx (1 items)
Aquatic beetle (1 items)
Aquatic warbler (2 items)
Arabian gazelle (1 items)
Arabian oryx (2 items)
Arachnid (1 items)
Arbutus, Arctostaphylos, Andromeda, Calluna, Erica (1 items)
Arctic fox (1 items)
Arctic hare (1 items)
Arctic redpoll (5 items)
Arctic skua (21 items)
Arctic tern (62 items)
Arctic warbler (7 items)
Arenaria interpres interpres (9 items)
Arenaris interpres interpres (1 items)
Arran marbled carpet moth (1 items)
Asarum, Aristolochia, Daphne, Hippophae, Viscum, Thesium (1 items)
Atitis hypoleucos (1 items)
August thorn moth (2 items)
Australian ground thrush (2 items)
Autumnal carpet moth (1 items)
Avocet (10 items)
Azalea, Menziesia, Pyrola (1 items)
Azure-winged magpie (1 items)
Badger (1 items)
Baikal teal (2 items)
Baillon's crake (13 items)
Baird's sandpiper (2 items)
Balearic shearwater (1 items)
Ballota, Teucrium, Ajuga (1 items)
Baneberry (2 items)
Bank vole (2 items)
Barbary partridge (1 items)
Barbastelle bat (1 items)
Barn owl (23 items)
Barnacle goose (2 items)
Barred carpet rivulet moth (1 items)
Barred hook-tip moth (1 items)
Barred straw moth (1 items)
Barred warbler (24 items)
Barred yellow moth (1 items)
Barrenwort (1 items)
Barrett's marbled coronet moth (1 items)
Bar-tailed godwit (11 items)
Bartsia, Pedicularis, Rhinathus, Melampyrum (1 items)
Bastard pimpernel (1 items)
Bat (1 items)
Bean Goose (2 items)
Bearded tit (5 items)
Beautiful brocade moth (1 items)
Beavan's bullfinch (5 items)
Beaver (3 items)
Bee (478 items)
Beech-green carpet moth (1 items)
Bee-eater (8 items)
Beetle (332 items)
Belted beauty moth (1 items)
Berthelot's pipit (1 items)
Beta, Atriples (1 items)
Bewick's swan (3 items)
Bilsdale Midcable (1 items)
Bird (63 items)
Bird of paradise (1 items)
Bird of prey (3 items)
Birdforth Bridge Alluvial (1 items)
Bird's egg (58 items)
Bird's nest (1 items)
Bittern (14 items)
Black bindweed (1 items)
Black grouse (15 items)
Black guillemot (21 items)
Black kite (14 items)
Black lark (2 items)
Black mountain moth (1 items)
Black rat (4 items)
Black redstart (17 items)
Black squirrel (1 items)
Black stork (6 items)
Black tern (16 items)
Black wheatear (1 items)
Black-bellied sandgrouse (1 items)
Blackbird (63 items)
Black-browed flycatcher warbler (2 items)
Black-browed reed warbler (2 items)
Blackcap (40 items)
Black-capped chickadee (3 items)
Black-capped kingfisher (1 items)
Blackcurrant (1 items)
Black-eared wheatear (10 items)
Black-faced bunting (2 items)
Black-headed bunting (17 items)
Black-headed bush shrike (5 items)
Black-headed gull (49 items)
Black-necked grebe (7 items)
Black-tailed godwit (11 items)
Black-throated diver (13 items)
Black-throated thrush (1 items)
Black-veined moth (1 items)
Black-winged kite (1 items)
Black-winged stilt (8 items)
Blotched emerald (1 items)
Blue chaffinch (2 items)
Blue rock thrush (8 items)
Blue tit (95 items)
Blue-cheeked bee-eater (3 items)
Blue-crowned pigeon (1 items)
Blue-streaked lory (1 items)
Bluethroat (38 items)
Blue-winged teal (1 items)
Blunt peacock angle moth (1 items)
Blyth's reed warbler (2 items)
Bog orchid (1 items)
Boltby Scar Fissure (1 items)
Bonaparte's gull (3 items)
Bone (52 items)
Bonelli's eagle (1 items)
Booted eagle (2 items)
Bordered beauty moth (1 items)
Bordered grey moth (1 items)
Bordered white moth (1 items)
Botanical illustration and engraving (1 items)
Botanical illustration, watercolour (5 items)
Bourke's Parrot (1 items)
Brachypodium (1 items)
Brambling (53 items)
Bramley Fungi Collection, Fungi (8 items)
Brant's mountain finch (2 items)
Brent goose (2 items)
Bright-line brown eye moth (1 items)
Brimstone butterfly (2 items)
Brimstone butterfly caterpillar (1 items)
Brimstone moth (1 items)
Brindled beauty moth (1 items)
Brindled white-spot moth (1 items)
Brittle star (1 items)
Broad-billed sandpiper (8 items)
Broad-bordered bee hawk-moth (1 items)
Broken-barred carpet moth (1 items)
Bromus (1 items)
Brook saxifrage (1 items)
Broom brocade moth (1 items)
Brown argus butterfly (1 items)
Brown bear (1 items)
Brown hare (1 items)
Brown kiwi (2 items)
Brown rat (7 items)
Brown shrike (26 items)
Brown silver-line moth (1 items)
Brown trout (1 items)
Brussells lace moth (1 items)
Buff arches moth (1 items)
Buff ermine moth (1 items)
Buff footman moth (1 items)
Buff-bellied pipit (1 items)
Buff-tailed bumblebee (1 items)
Buff-tip moth (2 items)
Bulk find (1 items)
Bullfinch (52 items)
Bull-headed shrike (5 items)
Bulrush wainscot moth (1 items)
Bulwer's petrel (3 items)
Bumblebee (1 items)
Burwell Fen (1 items)
Butterflies and moths (10 items)
Butterfly (19 items)
Buxus, Mercurialis, Ulmus, Humulus, Urtica, Parietria (1 items)
Buzzard (17 items)
Cabbage dot moth (1 items)
Calamintha (1 items)
Calamodyla aquatica (1 items)
Calandra lark (4 items)
Calculus of large mammal? (1 items)
Calidris alpina (4 items)
Calidris alpina alpina (11 items)
Calidris alpina sakhalina (1 items)
Calidris alpina schinzii (13 items)
Calidris bairdii (1 items)
Calidris canutus canutus (28 items)
Calidris maritima maritima (3 items)
Calidris testacea (9 items)
Calornodyta schoenobaenus (1 items)
Camberwell beauty butterfly (1 items)
Campanula, Specularia, Vaccinium (1 items)
Campion coronet moth (1 items)
Canada goose (1 items)
Canary (7 items)
Canary-shouldered thorn moth (2 items)
Canker and honey fungus (1 items)
Canvasback (1 items)
Capella gallinago gallinago (2 items)
Capella media (1 items)
Capercaillie (14 items)
Capercaillie X Black grouse (1 items)
Carduelis cannabina cannabina (1 items)
Carduelis flavirostris (1 items)
Carduelis linaria rostrata (1 items)
Carex (7 items)
Carlton Fissure (1 items)
Carrion crow (94 items)
Carrion crow hybrid (1 items)
Caspian gull (1 items)
Caspian plover (3 items)
Caspian tern (4 items)
Cassowary (1 items)
Cat (1 items)
Catterick (1 items)
Cave bear (1 items)
Cave bone (1 items)
Cayuga (9 items)
Centipede (1 items)
Cepphus sp (1 items)
Certhia familiaris (1 items)
Certhia familiaris corsa (1 items)
Cetacean skeleton, beluga (1 items)
Cetacean skeleton, whale (2 items)
Cetacean, skull of toothed whale (1 items)
Cettia cetti (1 items)
Cettia cetti cetti (5 items)
Cettia sericea (1 items)
Cetti's warbler (7 items)
Chafer beetle (1 items)
Chaffinch (62 items)
Chalk belle moth (1 items)
Chalkhill blue butterfly (1 items)
Chambered nautilus (2 items)
Charadrius pluvialis (2 items)
Chenopodium, Amaranthus, Aiyris, Spinacea (1 items)
Chenopodium, Plantago (1 items)
Chestnut-coloured carpet moth (1 items)
Chestnut-eared bunting (1 items)
Chickweed willowherb (1 items)
Chiffchaff (45 items)
Chinese character moth (2 items)
Chinese great grey shrike (2 items)
Chlidonias leucopterus (1 items)
Chough (17 items)
Christy's carpet moth (1 items)
Chub (1 items)
Chukar (1 items)
Cicada (1 items)
Cinclus aquaticus (5 items)
Cinclus cinclus cinclus (7 items)
Cinclus cinclus gularis (1 items)
Cinclus cinclus pyrenaicus (2 items)
Cinclus melanogaster (3 items)
Cinnabar moth (3 items)
Cinnamon sparrow (2 items)
Cirl bunting (22 items)
Cisticola cursitans (1 items)
Cistus forester (1 items)
Citril finch (7 items)
Citrine wagtail (4 items)
Cladium, Kobresia, Carex (1 items)
Claidris melanotus (1 items)
Clifford and Cresswell (1 items)
Climbing fumitory (1 items)
Clouded buff moth (1 items)
Clouded yellow butterfly (1 items)
Cnicus, Carlina, Arctium, Carduus (1 items)
Coal tit (46 items)
Cochlearia, Cardamine (1 items)
Cockroach (1 items)
Cocoa bean (1 items)
Cocoa leaf (1 items)
Coleoptera (2 items)
Collared crow (1 items)
Collared dove (1 items)
Collared flycatcher (4 items)
Collared pratincole (4 items)
Columba livia (3 items)
Columba livia livia (5 items)
Columba oenas (1 items)
Columba palumbus (1 items)
Columba palumbus palumbus (3 items)
Comma (1 items)
Comma butterfly (1 items)
Common annulet moth (1 items)
Common barberry (1 items)
Common blue butterfly (1 items)
Common Bulbul (2 items)
Common buzzard (10 items)
Common carpet moth (1 items)
Common chaffinch (1 items)
Common chevron moth (1 items)
Common cotton-grass (6 items)
Common egg cowry (1 items)
Common eider (1 items)
Common footman moth (1 items)
Common forester (1 items)
Common guillemot (9 items)
Common gull (33 items)
Common hawkweed (1 items)
Common heath moth (2 items)
Common heron (1 items)
Common marbled carpet moth (1 items)
Common marbled coronet moth (1 items)
Common mynah (1 items)
Common noddy (4 items)
Common northern whelk (12 items)
Common otter (1 items)
Common pied oystercatcher (1 items)
Common sandpiper (32 items)
Common scoter (5 items)
Common sedge/Tufted sedge (1 items)
Common sheldrake (2 items)
Common shrew (7 items)
Common tern (22 items)
Common tern/Arctic tern (10 items)
Common toad (1 items)
Common wasp (1 items)
Common wintergreen (1 items)
Conch (1 items)
Convolvulus hawk-moth (1 items)
Convolvulus, Cuscuta (1 items)
Coot (15 items)
Coral peony (1 items)
Cormorant (12 items)
Corn bunting (42 items)
Corn spurrey (1 items)
Corncrake (59 items)
Corticium (1 items)
Corvus cornix (5 items)
Coxcomb prominent moth (1 items)
Crab (1 items)
Crag martin (3 items)
Crane (bird) (4 items)
Crayfish (1 items)
Cream-coloured courser (4 items)
Cream-spot tiger moth (1 items)
Creeping forget-me-not (1 items)
Crested coot (1 items)
Crested lark (23 items)
Crested tit (25 items)
Cretzschmar's bunting (2 items)
Cricket (insect) (1 items)
Crimson-speckled footman moth (1 items)
Crocethia alba (17 items)
Crossbill (23 items)
Crossbill sp (6 items)
Crowned pigeon (1 items)
Crustacia (1 items)
Cryptoloplia burkii (2 items)
Cuckoo (37 items)
Curassow (1 items)
Curlew (35 items)
Curlew sandpiper (12 items)
Curruca nisoria (1 items)
Cyanecola svevica (1 items)
Cygnus columbianus bewickii (1 items)
Cyperus sedge (1 items)
Cyprus warbler (9 items)
Dark marbled carpet moth (1 items)
Dark twin-spot carpet moth (1 items)
Dark-bordered beauty moth (1 items)
Dartford warbler (10 items)
Dasyscypha (2 items)
Daurian redstart (2 items)
De Winton's mouse (1 items)
Dead Sea sparrow (1 items)
Death's-head hawk-moth (1 items)
Deer (5 items)
Delichon urbica urbica (5 items)
Demoiselle Crane (3 items)
Department Herbarium (7 items)
Department Herbarium, mostly Carex (2 items)
Desert finch (1 items)
Desert warbler (1 items)
Desert wheatear (9 items)
Dew footman moth (1 items)
Digger wasp (6 items)
Dipper (24 items)
Dodo (23 items)
Dog's tooth moth (1 items)
Dollarbird (1 items)
Domestic ferret (1 items)
Domestic fowl (1 items)
Dormouse (1 items)
Dotted beauty moth (1 items)
Dotted border moth (1 items)
Dotted footman moth (1 items)
Dotted rustic moth (1 items)
Dotterel (16 items)
Dove house pigeon (1 items)
Downy hemp nettle (2 items)
Dragonfly (4 items)
Duck (2 items)
Duke of Burgandy butterfly (1 items)
Duke of Burgundy fritllary (1 items)
Dunlin (59 items)
Dunnock (44 items)
Dusky thorn moth (1 items)
Dusky thrush (2 items)
Dusky warbler (1 items)
Dusty thorn moth (1 items)
Dwarf cream wave (1 items)
Dwarf spurge (1 items)
Eagle owl (8 items)
Early carpet moth (1 items)
Early engrailed moth (1 items)
Early moth (1 items)
Eastern pied wheatear (2 items)
Eastern yellow robin (1 items)
Echidna (1 items)
Echinoderm (10 items)
Eclectus Parrot (1 items)
Eel (1 items)
Egg (9 items)
Egyptian goose (1 items)
Egyptian plover (1 items)
Egyptian vulture (6 items)
Eider duck (12 items)
Eleonora's falcon (1 items)
Elephant (1 items)
Elephant hawk-moth (3 items)
Elodia, hydrocharis, stratiotes (1 items)
Emberiza cia stracheyi (3 items)
Emberiza cineracea (1 items)
Emberiza ciopsis (1 items)
Emberiza schoeniclus (1 items)
Emerald barred moth (1 items)
Emerald dove (1 items)
Emperor moth (2 items)
Empetrum, ceratophyllum, juniperus, taxus (1 items)
Emu (1 items)
Equisetum (2 items)
Erithacus rubecula (1 items)
Erithacus rubecula atlas (1 items)
Erithacus rubecula melophilus (4 items)
Erithacus rubecula rubecula (1 items)
Erolia minuta (1 items)
Erythrospiza githaginea githaginea (1 items)
Erythrozpiza githaginea amantum (2 items)
Eudromias morinellus (3 items)
Euphorbia (1 items)
Euphorbia, Polygonium (1 items)
Eupoda asiatica asiatica (3 items)
Eurasian badger (61 items)
Eurasian blackbird (1 items)
Eurasian bullfinch (3 items)
Eurinorhynchus pygmaeus (1 items)
European badger (6 items)
European hedgehog (2 items)
European otter (1 items)
Exacum, Chlora, Erythraea, Cicendia, Gentiana, Menyanthes (1 items)
Eye-browed thrush (2 items)
Eyed cowrie (1 items)
Eyed hawk-moth (1 items)
Fallow deer (1 items)
Fan-tailed cuckoo (1 items)
Fan-tailed warbler (3 items)
Feathered thorn moth (1 items)
Fern (15 items)
Ferns inc. asplenium (1 items)
Ferns, hordeum, elymus (1 items)
Ferruginous duck (5 items)
Festuca, Bromus (1 items)
Field vole (1 items)
Fieldfare (14 items)
Fingered sedge (2 items)
Fingered speedwell (1 items)
Finsch's wheatear (2 items)
Firecrest (9 items)
Fish (6 items)
Five-spot burnet moth (2 items)
Flame carpet moth (2 items)
Flamingo (2 items)
Fleabane (1 items)
Flower chafer beetle (1 items)
Flowering plant (1 items)
Fly (5 items)
Flying lemur (1 items)
Footman moth (1 items)
Foraminifera models (1 items)
Forest kingfisher (1 items)
Fossil bone, Raphus cucullatus, dodo (1 items)
Fox (38 items)
Francolin (1 items)
Franklin's gull (1 items)
Fratercula arctica grabae (11 items)
Fringilla cannabina (1 items)
Fringilla hornemanni (1 items)
Fringillauda branti haematopygia (2 items)
Fringillauda nemoricola altaica (3 items)
Frog (1 items)
Frosted yellow moth (1 items)
Fruits and Seeds Caryophs - Leguminosae (1 items)
Fruits and Seeds Compositae (1 items)
Fruits and Seeds glass slides (1 items)
Fruits and Seeds Orobanchacaea - Compos (1 items)
Fruits and Seeds Pinacaea - Caryophyla (1 items)
Fruits and Seeds Polygonaceae - Scrophs (1 items)
Fruits and Seeds Rosaceae - Euphorbiacea (1 items)
Fruits and Seeds, Alismataceae - Cyperaceae (1 items)
Fruits and Seeds, duplicates (2 items)
Fruits and Seeds, Germineae (1 items)
Fulmar (8 items)
Fulmar petrel (1 items)
Fulmarus glacialis (1 items)
Fungi (12 items)
Fungus (226 items)
Gadwall (1 items)
Galanths, Leucojum, Tamus, Ruscus, Asparagus, Polygonatum (1 items)
Galeopsis, Leonurus, Lamium (1 items)
Galium (1 items)
Galium carpet moth (1 items)
Gallinula chloropus chloropus (1 items)
Gannet (16 items)
Garden carpet moth (1 items)
Garden tiger moth (4 items)
Garden warbler (51 items)
Garganey (3 items)
Gavia arctica (1 items)
Geometrid moth (22 items)
Geranium, Malva, Lotus (1 items)
German wasp (1 items)
Gharial (1 items)
Giant elephant bird (1 items)
Giant larkspur (1 items)
Giant millipede (1 items)
Glareola pratincola (1 items)
Glaucous gull (11 items)
Glaucous shears moth (1 items)
Glossy ibis (5 items)
Glyceria, Festuca (1 items)
Goat moth (1 items)
Goldcrest (59 items)
Golden eagle (6 items)
Golden oriole (16 items)
Golden pheasant (6 items)
Golden plover (34 items)
Golden whistler (2 items)
Golden-crowned kinglet (1 items)
Goldeneye (16 items)
Goldenrod brindle moth (1 items)
Goldfinch (43 items)
Goosander (21 items)
Goshawk (12 items)
Gouldian finch (1 items)
Grass rivulet moth (1 items)
Grasshopper (2 items)
Grasshopper warbler (33 items)
Grass-waved moth (1 items)
Grayling (1 items)
Great auk (3 items)
Great black-backed gull (19 items)
Great bustard (9 items)
Great crested grebe (10 items)
Great curassow (1 items)
Great grey shrike (58 items)
Great helmeted hornbill (1 items)
Great Indian hornbill (1 items)
Great northern diver (8 items)
Great oak beauty moth (1 items)
Great reed warbler (35 items)
Great shearwater (2 items)
Great skua (4 items)
Great snipe (7 items)
Great spotted cuckoo (1 items)
Great spotted eagle (8 items)
Great spotted kiwi (2 items)
Great spotted woodpecker (32 items)
Great tit (117 items)
Great white egret (2 items)
Great-crested newt (1 items)
Greater adjutant stork (1 items)
Greater horse-shoe bat (1 items)
Greater racket-tailed drongo (1 items)
Green arches moth (1 items)
Green carpet moth (1 items)
Green hairstreak butterfly (2 items)
Green heron (4 items)
Green map lichen (4 items)
Green pea moth (1 items)
Green sandpiper (7 items)
Green silver-lines moth (1 items)
Green woodpecker (20 items)
Greenfinch (56 items)
Greenshank (9 items)
Green-winged teal (4 items)
Grey arches moth (1 items)
Grey butcherbird (1 items)
Grey coronet moth (1 items)
Grey heron (16 items)
Grey mountain carpet moth (1 items)
Grey partridge (13 items)
Grey phalarope (12 items)
Grey pine carpet moth (1 items)
Grey plover (8 items)
Grey squirrel (5 items)
Grey wagtail (50 items)
Grey willow (1 items)
Grey wolf (24 items)
Grey-headed flycatcher warbler (1 items)
Grey-headed woodpecker (4 items)
Greylag goose (4 items)
Griffon vulture (5 items)
Grotto of Mentone (1 items)
Ground beetle (1 items)
Grus virgo (1 items)
Guan (1 items)
Guillemot (82 items)
Gull (8 items)
Gull-billed tern (6 items)
Gyrfalcon (29 items)
Haematopus ostralegus (2 items)
Haematopus ostralegus occidentalis (2 items)
Hair grass (1 items)
Hare (2 items)
Harlequin duck (9 items)
Harlequin ladybird (1 items)
Harvest mouse (2 items)
Hawfinch (29 items)
Hawk owl (8 items)
Hawkweed (51 items)
Hazel grouse (5 items)
Heath rivulet moth (1 items)
Heavy Turban (1 items)
Hedgehog (4 items)
Helotium (1 items)
Hemipode, Andalusian (1 items)
Hemiptera (1 items)
Hen harrier (18 items)
Hermit crab (1 items)
Heron (1 items)
Herring gull (21 items)
Hippolais icterina (1 items)
Hippolais olivetorum (1 items)
Hippolais pallida elaeica (1 items)
Hippolais polyglotta (3 items)
Hirundo cahurio (1 items)
Hirundo rustica (1 items)
Hirundo rustica rustica (3 items)
Hirundo rustica savignii (1 items)
Hoary footman moth (1 items)
Hobby (14 items)
Hodgson's mountain finch (9 items)
Hog) (1 items)
Holly blue butterfly (4 items)
Honey badger (1 items)
Honey buzzard (11 items)
Honeyweed hawkweed (1 items)
Hooded crow (20 items)
Hooded Merganser (6 items)
Hoopoe (11 items)
Hornet (1 items)
Horse (2 items)
Horse chestnut moth (1 items)
Horseshoe crab (1 items)
Hottonia, Primula, Cyclamen, Lysimachia, Stevionema (1 items)
Houbara bustard (4 items)
House martin (15 items)
House mouse (1 items)
House sparrow (68 items)
Human remains (2 items)
Hummingbird hawk-moth (1 items)
Humpback whale (1 items)
Hybrid pigeon (1 items)
Hybrid woundwort (1 items)
Hypochoeris, Leontodon, Taraxacum (1 items)
Hypolais pallida (2 items)
Hyrax (1 items)
Iceland cyprine (15 items)
Iceland gull (4 items)
Icterine warbler (13 items)
Imperial Cone (1 items)
Indeterminate (1 items)
Indian elephant (1 items)
Indian peafowl (1 items)
Indian whistling duck (1 items)
Insect (42 items)
Insect nest (1 items)
Irish Wood mouse (1 items)
Isabelline shrike (5 items)
Isabelline wheatear (11 items)
Ivory gull (1 items)
Ixus xanthopygos (1 items)
Jack Russell terrier (2 items)
Jack snipe (17 items)
Jackass penguin (1 items)
Jackdaw (69 items)
Jagged chickweed (1 items)
Japanese green woodpecker (2 items)
Japanese quail (1 items)
Japanese waxwing (1 items)
Japanese yellow bunting (2 items)
Jay (48 items)
Jersey tiger moth (1 items)
Jewel beetle (1 items)
July high-flyer moth (1 items)
Juncus (2 items)
Juniper carpet moth (1 items)
Kakapo (4 items)
Kentish glory moth (1 items)
Kentish plover (12 items)
Kestrel (166 items)
Kildeer plover (4 items)
King eider (3 items)
King vulture (1 items)
Kingfisher (17 items)
Kittiwake (37 items)
Kiwi (5 items)
Knot (36 items)
Knotweed (1 items)
Koel (2 items)
Kruper's nuthatch (1 items)
Lactuca, Sonchus, Tragopogon (1 items)
Ladybird (1 items)
Lagopus albus (1 items)
Lagopus lagopus scoticus (1 items)
Lagopus mutus (1 items)
Lagopus mutus islandorum (7 items)
Lagopus scoticus (2 items)
Lanceolated warbler (1 items)
Land rail (1 items)
Lanius bucephalus (5 items)
Lapland bunting (30 items)
Lappet moth (2 items)
Lapwing (34 items)
Large blue butterfly (1 items)
Large chocolate tip moth (1 items)
Large emerald (1 items)
Large footman moth (1 items)
Large pied wagtail (1 items)
Large rivulet moth (1 items)
Large sable and argent moth (1 items)
Large seeds (4 items)
Large thorn moth (1 items)
Large twin-spot carpet moth (1 items)
Large white butterfly (1 items)
Large yellow underwing moth (2 items)
Larger butterfly orchid (1 items)
Laruc canus canus (2 items)
Larus canus canus (5 items)
Larus hyperboreus (1 items)
Larus marinus (1 items)
Larus melanocephalus (1 items)
Larus ridibunous ridibunous (1 items)
Lastraea, Polypodium, Gymnogramma, Osmunda, (1 items)
Leach's petrel (15 items)
Leaf beetle (2 items)
Least black-arches moth (1 items)
Lemna, Alisma, Sagittaria, Actinocarpus (1 items)
Leopard cone (2 items)
Lepidoptera (2 items)
Leptosphaesia (1 items)
Lepturus (1 items)
Lesser black-backed gull (19 items)
Lesser cream wave (1 items)
Lesser emerald (1 items)
Lesser Green Broadbill (1 items)
Lesser grey srike (27 items)
Lesser horseshoe bat (4 items)
Lesser kestrel (6 items)
Lesser meadow rue (1 items)
Lesser redpoll (3 items)
Lesser satin lutestring moth (1 items)
Lesser short-toed lark (1 items)
Lesser shrew (1 items)
Lesser spotted kiwi (1 items)
Lesser spotted woodpecker (13 items)
Lesser white-fronted goose (1 items)
Lesser whitethroat (42 items)
Lesser yellow-legs (2 items)
Lesser-crested tern (2 items)
Leucosticte arctoa brunneonucha (2 items)
Lewisham Cavern (1 items)
Lichen (952 items)
Light brocade moth (1 items)
Light shears moth (1 items)
Lime hawk-moth (1 items)
Limosa lapponica lapponica (3 items)
Linnet (37 items)
Linota cannabina (4 items)
Lithic implement (2 items)
Little auk (17 items)
Little bittern (12 items)
Little bunting (5 items)
Little bustard (9 items)
Little crake (14 items)
Little egret (9 items)
Little emerald (1 items)
Little grebe (27 items)
Little green bee-eater (1 items)
Little gull (9 items)
Little owl (19 items)
Little ringed plover (5 items)
Little shearwater (3 items)
Little stint (7 items)
Little swift (3 items)
Little tern (26 items)
Lizard (4 items)
Locustella lanceolata (1 items)
Locustella naevia (3 items)
Locustella naevia naevia (1 items)
Loggerhead Shrike (1 items)
Lolium (1 items)
Long-eared bat (1 items)
Long-eared owl (26 items)
Longhorn beetle (2 items)
Long-legged buzzard (1 items)
Long-tailed duck (20 items)
Long-tailed rosefinch (2 items)
Long-tailed skua (6 items)
Long-tailed tit (67 items)
Loxia leucoptera (1 items)
Loxia pityopsittacus (1 items)
Lusciniola melanopogon melanopogon (2 items)
Luzula (1 items)
Lychnis coronet moth (1 items)
Lycopodium, Equisetum, Dryopteris (1 items)
Lymnocryptes minimus (4 items)
Lynx (1 items)
Machetes pugnax (2 items)
Madagascar wagtail (2 items)
Magellan goose (1 items)
Magpie (96 items)
Maiden pink (1 items)
Malaxis, Liparis, Corallorhiza, Neottia, Listera, Spiranthes (1 items)
Mallard (14 items)
Mallard or Pintail (1 items)
Mammal (35 items)
Mandrill (1 items)
Manx shearwater (10 items)
Maple prominent moth (1 items)
Maple pug moth (1 items)
Marabou stork (1 items)
Marble cone (1 items)
Marbled belle moth (1 items)
Marbled teal (1 items)
Marine algae (2 items)
Marsh carpet moth (1 items)
Marsh harrier (19 items)
Marsh owl (2 items)
Marsh sandpiper (2 items)
Marsh tit (52 items)
Marsh warbler (26 items)
Marten sp (3 items)
Martes sp. (2 items)
Masked shrike (6 items)
Mason wasp (4 items)
May high-flyer moth (1 items)
Meadow bunting (4 items)
Meadow pipit (76 items)
Mealy redpoll (1 items)
Mediterranean gull (2 items)
Mediterranean pepperweed (1 items)
Melanitta nigra nigra (1 items)
Melodious warbler (3 items)
Mentha (2 items)
Mentha, Eurphrasia (1 items)
Mentha, Origanum, Thymus (1 items)
Merlin (59 items)
Merryweather Collection, seeds and Terry McGonigle (1 items)
Merryweather Collection, University of York, Biology (9 items)
Merveille du jour moth (2 items)
Middle spotted woodpecker (3 items)
Minute black wasp (1 items)
Mistle thrush (40 items)
Moa (59 items)
Mole (2 items)
Molinia, Melica, Catabrosa, Dactylis, Briza (1 items)
Mollusc (175 items)
Mollusca (2 items)
Monkey (2 items)
Monkshood (1 items)
Monotropa, Statice, Armeria (1 items)
Montagu's harrier (8 items)
Monticola cyanea (1 items)
Monticola cyanus (3 items)
Monticola saxatilis (2 items)
Monticola solitarius solitarius (2 items)
Montifringilla altaica (2 items)
Montifringilla nemoricola (2 items)
Montifringilla nemoricola altaica (1 items)
Moorhen (29 items)
Moss (49 items)
Moss campion (1 items)
Motacilla alba (9 items)
Motacilla alba alba (2 items)
Motacilla alba alboides (1 items)
Motacilla alba yarrelli (1 items)
Motacilla alba yarrellii (6 items)
Motacilla cinerea (2 items)
Motacilla flaviventris (2 items)
Motacilla lugubris (6 items)
Motacilla melanope (11 items)
Motacilla sulphurea (1 items)
Motacilla svevica (1 items)
Motacilla yarrelli (2 items)
Motacilla yarrellii (2 items)
Moth (75 items)
Mottled beauty moth (1 items)
Mottled umber moth (1 items)
Mountain hawkweed (2 items)
Mourning wheatear (2 items)
Mouse (1 items)
Moussier's redstart (1 items)
Moustached warbler (2 items)
Muker (1 items)
Mule swan (2 items)
Mullein wave (1 items)
Muscari, Scilla, Ornithogalum, Lilium, Fritillaria (1 items)
Muslin footman moth (1 items)
Muslin moth (1 items)
Mute swan (2 items)
Myosotis, Linaria, Veronica (1 items)
Myrica, Betula, Alnus, Carpinus, Corylus, Quercus, (1 items)
Nardus (1 items)
Narrow-bordered bee hawk-moth (1 items)
Narrowleaf hawkweed (2 items)
Narrow-leaved helleborine (1 items)
Narrow-leaved pepperwort (1 items)
Narwhal (1 items)
Natterer's bat (1 items)
Nepeta (1 items)
Netted mountain moth (1 items)
New Forest burnet (1 items)
Newt (2 items)
Night heron (7 items)
Nightingale (26 items)
Nightingale thrush (3 items)
Nightjar (19 items)
Noctule bat (1 items)
Northern footman moth (1 items)
Northern spinach moth (1 items)
Numenius arquata arquata (2 items)
Nuthatch (31 items)
Nut-tree tuffet moth (1 items)
Oak beauty moth (1 items)
Oak hook-tip moth (1 items)
Oceanites oceanicus (1 items)
Oceanodroma leucorhoa (1 items)
Oceanodroma leucorrhoa (2 items)
Oceanodroma leucorrhoa leucorrhoa (6 items)
Ocydromus fuscus (1 items)
Oenanthe oenanthe (3 items)
Oenanthe oenanthe leucorhoa (1 items)
Oenanthe oenanthe oenanthe (1 items)
Old English game cock (1 items)
Olivaceous warbler (3 items)
Olive-backed pipit (2 items)
Olive-tree warbler (1 items)
Onopordon, Silybum, Saussurea, Serratula, Centaurea, (1 items)
Orange bullfinch (1 items)
Orange-tip butterfly (5 items)
Orange-winged Amazon (1 items)
Orbanche, Lathraea (1 items)
Orchis (1 items)
Oriental Greenfinch (2 items)
Orkney vole (1 items)
Orphean warbler (21 items)
[Tynan, A.] (2 items)
A.H.R. (6 items)
A.J. (1 items)
A.M.T. (2 items)
A.T. (1 items)
Adams, G.W. (1 items)
Astley, C. David (87 items)
Aubrook, E.W. (1 items)
Backhouse, James (5 items)
Barrow, W.H. (4 items)
Baum (1 items)
Begg, E.M., Miss (1 items)
Beverley, Stuart (2 items)
C.S. (1 items)
Clancey, P.A. (2 items)
Clancy, P.A. (1 items)
Dempsey, M. (8 items)
Dempsey, W. (1 items)
Denton, Michael L. (1 items)
Dickinson, James (15 items)
Dowling, Graham (1 items)
Edward Allen & Company (2 items)
Emily (1 items)
Gadd, Mike (2 items)
Gordon, A. (1 items)
Gordon, Adam (25 items)
Grayson, Andrew (2 items)
Gregory, R. (2 items)
Hall, P. (5 items)
Howard, Phillip (3 items)
Hunt, R.J., Mr (1 items)
K.W. (1 items)
Lancashire Museum Service, Conservation Studios (21 items)
Leicester (1 items)
M.K.T. (1 items)
M.M.H. (5 items)
Marsh, R.J., Mr (1 items)
Morgan, T. (3 items)
Morton, Eric (1 items)
Niels (1 items)
P.H. (1 items)
Patterson, R. (1 items)
Peterson, N.F. (8 items)
Raw, W. (1 items)
Rawlings, H. (1 items)
Rogers, H.M. (1 items)
Rogers, H.M., Jnr (3 items)
Seddon, F. (1 items)
Sharp, R.B. (1 items)
Smith, E., Mr (1 items)
Taylor, E.W. (1 items)
Toher, Steve (6 items)
Townsend, Nicholas (1 items)
Tynan, A. (15 items)
Tynan, A.M. (1 items)
Tynan, T. (1 items)
W.R. (taxidermist) (1 items)
Wagstaffe, R. (88 items)
Watson, G.G. (1 items)
Wheeler, Lee (3 items)
Williams, Ifan (gunsmith) (1 items)
Williams, Luke (4 items)
Williamson, A. (1 items)
Williamson, K. (45 items)
Wilson, J. (2 items)
Wilson, Jenny (10 items)
Wyman, A. (1 items)
Human remains (2 items)
Mammal bone (1 items)
Metal (1 items)
Tortoise-shell (1 items)
Wood (3 items)
Production year(s)
Start year
No selection
1986 AD (1 items)
2010 AD (6 items)
2012 AD (3 items)
End year
No selection
1986 AD (1 items)
2010 AD (6 items)
2012 AD (3 items)
Only items with images
All items
Clear refinements
Results (14282)
YORYM : 1993.1.1-77
Marsh, R.J., Mr
YORYM : 1993.2.1-16
Aubrook, E.W.
YORYM : 1993.3.1-245
Grayson, Andrew
YORYM : 1993.127.1-10
Hunt, R.J., Mr
YORYM : 1993.131.1-65
Smith, E., Mr
YORYM : 1993.234.1-14
YORYM : 1993.319.1-801
Grayson, Andrew
YORYM : 1993.320.1-92,383
Denton, Michael L.
YORYM : 1993.721
Howard, Phillip
YORYM : 1993.722
Howard, Phillip
YORYM : 1993.723
Carrion Crow
YORYM : 1993.724
YORYM : 1993.725
Carrion Crow
YORYM : 1993.726
YORYM : 1993.727
Wagstaffe, R.
YORYM : 1993.728
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